how to make maximum wind plot along with level showing maximum wind for each grid

sushant puranik sushantpuranik at GMAIL.COM
Tue Nov 24 02:00:31 EST 2009

Hello Sir
I want to study the structure of a jet stream for that purpose i wish to
make a plot showing maximum wind speed for each grid box alongwith the level
in which the speed is maximum. Means it should print level with maximum wind
speed value. I am trying to solve this problem since last 15 days but i am
not able to solve it. Does anyone has any idea how i can make such plot
using GrADS. I am using ECMWF interim reanalysis data for this purpose.

Any suggestion is appreciated

Thanking you.

Sushant Puranik
Junior Research Fellow
Dept. of Atmospheric & Space Sciences,
University of Pune,
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