export data to a txt file

Charles Seman Charles.Seman at NOAA.GOV
Thu Nov 5 13:55:10 EST 2009


Please find attached "printasciigrid.gs" from Stefan Fronzek
<sfronzek at SONNENKINDER.ORG>... don't know if this will help... and I'll
also forward an email of his containing a newer version (look for an
email "Re: GrADS to Ascii with header" on the Listserv)...

Hope this helps,

hossein lotfi wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 5:15 PM, Charles Seman <Charles.Seman at noaa.gov
> <mailto:Charles.Seman at noaa.gov>> wrote:
>     Hossein,
>     Please find attached a "printascii.gs <http://printascii.gs/>"
>     script from Prince K. Xavier
>     <xavier at CAOS.IISC.ERNET.IN <mailto:xavier at CAOS.IISC.ERNET.IN>>
>     Hope it helps,
>     Chuck
>     hossein lotfi wrote:
>         Hi All grads user
>         I have a file contain vorticity variable,I want save It's data to
>         a txt file
>         I have fprintf.gs <http://fprintf.gs/> <http://fprintf.gs
>         <http://fprintf.gs/>> script file to do this,but it
>         can't save vorticity, latitude,longitude to one txt file.
>         Any suggestion will be appreciated,
>         thanks
>     --
>     Please note that Charles.Seman at noaa.gov
>     <mailto:Charles.Seman at noaa.gov> should be considered my NOAA
>     email address, not cjs at gfdl.noaa.gov <mailto:cjs at gfdl.noaa.gov>.
>     ********************************************************************
>     Charles Seman
>      Charles.Seman at noaa.gov <mailto:Charles.Seman at noaa.gov>
>     U.S. Department of Commerce / NOAA / OAR
>     Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory         voice: (609) 452-6547
>     201 Forrestal Road                              fax: (609) 987-5063
>     Princeton, NJ  08540-6649
>      http://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/~cjs/ <http://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/%7Ecjs/>
>     ********************************************************************
>     "The contents of this message are mine personally and do not
>     necessarily
>     reflect any position of the Government or NOAA."
>     * To generate ascii data from grads to use in applications like
>     IGOR PRO
>     *
>     * Prince XAVIER (17 Nov 2004, LMD, Paris)
>     *
>     function printascii(args)
>     if(args='')
>     say ''
>     say 'No arguments found.'
>     say ''
>     say 'Syntax is '
>     say '----------------------------------'
>     say 'printascii filename variable [z t]'
>     say '----------------------------------'
>     say ''
>     say 'z(or Z) and t(or T) may be switched on in case of 3 or 4
>     dimension data.'
>     say 'If not switched on, no information on level and time will be
>     printed.'
>     say ''
>     say 'Examples:'
>     say 'ga-> printascii rain.ascii rain'
>     say 'ga-> printascii rain.ascii rain z'
>     say 'ga-> printascii rain.ascii rain t'
>     say 'ga-> printascii rain.ascii rain z t'
>     say ''
>     say ''
>     return
>     endif
>     _fname = subwrd(args,1)
>     _var = subwrd(args,2)
>     arg3 = subwrd(args,3)
>     arg4 = subwrd(args,4)
>     say ''
>     zflag = 0
>     tflag = 0
>     if(arg3=z|arg3=Z)
>     say 'Level information requested.'
>     zflag = 1
>     endif
>     if(arg3=t|arg3=T)
>     say 'Time information requested.'
>     tflag = 1
>     endif
>     if(arg4=z|arg4=Z)
>     say 'Level information requested.'
>     zflag = 1
>     endif
>     if(arg4=t|arg4=T)
>     say 'Time information requested.'
>     tflag = 1
>     endif
>     gxstat()
>     *say _xs' '_xe' '_ys' '_ye' '_zs' '_ze' '_ts' '_te
>     'set x ' _xs' '_xe
>     'set y ' _ys' '_ye
>     gxstat()
>     if((_xe-_xs)=0)
>     _lonint = 1
>     else
>     _lonint = (_lone-_lons)/(_xe-_xs)
>     endif
>     if((_ye-_ys)=0)
>     _latint = 1
>     else
>     _latint = (_late-_lats)/(_ye-_ys)
>     endif
>     *say _lonint' '_latint
>     _tint = 1
>     _zint = 1
>     _yint = 1
>     _xint = 1
>     _tt = 1
>     while(_tt<=_te)
>     'set t '_tt
>      _zz = 1
>      while(_zz<=_ze)
>      'set z '_zz
>       _yy = 1
>       while(_yy<=_ye)
>       'set y '_yy
>        _xx = 1
>        while(_xx<=_xe)
>        'set x ' _xx
>        'd '_var
>        val = subwrd(result,4)
>     *    say val
>         'query dims'
>          dum = sublin(result,2)
>          alon = subwrd(dum,6)
>          dum = sublin(result,3)
>          alat = subwrd(dum,6)
>          dum = sublin(result,4)
>          alev = subwrd(dum,6)
>          dum = sublin(result,5)
>          atim = subwrd(dum,6)
>           if (zflag = 1 & tflag = 1)
>            rc = write(_fname, atim' 'alev' 'alon' 'alat' 'val)
>     *        say atim' 'alev' 'alon' 'alat' 'val
>           endif
>           if (zflag = 0 & tflag = 1)
>            rc = write(_fname, atim' 'alon' 'alat' 'val)
>     *        say atim' 'alon' 'alat' 'val
>           endif
>           if (zflag = 1 & tflag = 0)
>            rc = write(_fname, alev' 'alon' 'alat' 'val)
>     *        say alev' 'alon' 'alat' 'val
>            endif
>           if (zflag = 0 & tflag = 0)
>            rc = write(_fname, alon' 'alat' 'val)
>     *        say alon' 'alat' 'val
>           endif
>        _xx = _xx + _xint
>        endwhile
>       _yy = _yy + _yint
>       endwhile
>      _zz = _zz + _zint
>      endwhile
>     _tt = _tt + _tint
>     endwhile
>     say 'ASCII output written to '_fname'.'
>     say ' '
>     rc = close(_fname)
>     return
>     function gxstat()
>     'q dims'
>     dinf = result
>     lx = sublin(dinf,2)
>     ly = sublin(dinf,3)
>     lz = sublin(dinf,4)
>     lt = sublin(dinf,5)
>     if ( subwrd(lx,7) = 'to')
>      _lons = subwrd(lx,6)
>      _lone = subwrd(lx,8)
>      _xs = subwrd(lx,11)
>      _xe = subwrd(lx,13)
>      _xs = math_int(_xs)
>      _xe = math_int(_xe)
>     else
>      _lons = subwrd(lx,6)
>      _lone = subwrd(lx,6)
>      _xs = subwrd(lx,9)
>      _xe = subwrd(lx,9)
>      _xs = math_int(_xs)
>      _xe = math_int(_xe)
>     endif
>     if ( subwrd(ly,7) = 'to')
>      _lats = subwrd(ly,6)
>      _late = subwrd(ly,8)
>      _ys = subwrd(ly,11)
>      _ye = subwrd(ly,13)
>      _ys = math_int(_ys)
>      _ye = math_int(_ye)
>     else
>      _lats = subwrd(ly,6)
>      _late = subwrd(ly,6)
>      _ys = subwrd(ly,9)
>      _ye = subwrd(ly,9)
>      _ys = math_int(_ys)
>      _ye = math_int(_ye)
>     endif
>     if ( subwrd(lz,7) = 'to')
>      _levs = subwrd(lz,6)
>      _leve = subwrd(lz,8)
>      _zs = subwrd(lz,11)
>      _ze = subwrd(lz,13)
>     else
>      _levs = subwrd(lz,6)
>      _leve = subwrd(lz,6)
>      _zs = subwrd(lz,9)
>      _ze = subwrd(lz,9)
>     endif
>     if ( subwrd(lt,7) = 'to')
>      _tims = subwrd(lt,6)
>      _time = subwrd(lt,8)
>      _ts = subwrd(lt,11)
>      _te = subwrd(lt,13)
>     else
>      _tims = subwrd(lt,6)
>      _time = subwrd(lt,6)
>      _ts = subwrd(lt,9)
>      _te = subwrd(lt,9)
>     endif
>     return
> Hi
> thank you for your help
> but can we change the command of printascii.gs
> <http://printascii.gs> file to write the  latitude, longitude
> and other variable such below?
>      lon  lon lon lon lon lon
>   lat ps   ps  ps  ps  ps  ps
>   lat ps   ps  ps  . . . . . . .
>   lat . . . . . . . . . . . .
>   lat
>   thanks alot


Please note that Charles.Seman at noaa.gov should be considered my NOAA
email address, not cjs at gfdl.noaa.gov.

 Charles Seman                                Charles.Seman at noaa.gov
 U.S. Department of Commerce / NOAA / OAR
 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory         voice: (609) 452-6547
 201 Forrestal Road                              fax: (609) 987-5063
 Princeton, NJ  08540-6649            http://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/~cjs/

"The contents of this message are mine personally and do not necessarily
reflect any position of the Government or NOAA."

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