loading user defined functions in GrADSv2

Arlindo da Silva arlindo.dasilva at GMAIL.COM
Fri May 22 11:17:54 EDT 2009

On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 5:23 PM, Ramon Solano <rsolanob at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> There is no problem, just a new name. Please try
> q udxt
> Or is this a "hidden" not-to-be-used feature?

As I said in a previous message,

                        *IMPORTANT CAVEAT**
   As COLA has not yet published the official API for User Defined
   functions in GrADS v2.0 we have adopted here an API that is
   based on our work with v1.9.0-rc1. This is a very low-level
   API that is *not* endorsed by COLA. As such, it is *not*
   advisable that users adopt this API to write their own
   extensions.  Furthermore, the extensions as implemented here
   are tied to a specific version of GrADS and should always be
   built in the context a given GrADS source tree.

   See below, for a current list of functions (note: use "q udx" instead of
"q udxt" for a short description of the functions.) The extensions are
available with the "OpenGrADS Bundle", which has the same functionality of
COLA releases with the addition of the extensions. Another important
distinction is that we have adopted NetCDF-4 which supports all the classic
NetCDF formats in addition to OpenDAP and the new NetCDF-4/HDF-5 formats.
(Except for a small glitch with some specific non-GDS OpenDAP URLs on 64-bit
Linux, NetCDF-4 appears to be working very well.)
There is no "gradsdap" binary --- the "grads" binary does it all:  opendap,
netcdf-2/4, hdf-4, grib-1/2, binary, etc.

  To get these extensions you need to install the OpenGrADS Bundle from:

Linux, Mac OS X, Linux:




OpenGrADS documentation is available from this Wiki:


In your tarball you also will find under Contents/ a file called
Documentation.html with off-line documentation for the extensions and grads
in general for those times when you do not have an Internet connection.

Again,  in case you missed what I've said above: *these extensions are *not*
included in the tarballs you download from COLA, you need to install the
OpenGrADS Bundle from the URL above.*


ga-> q udx

  COMMAND           Short Description                Function at Library
 ---------- -----------------------------------  --------------------------
 printenv   Expand environment variables         c_xenv@^env.gex
 runenv     Expand env vars and run command      c_env@^env.gex
 @          Expand env vars and run command      c_env@^env.gex
 getenv     Get value of environment variable    c_getenv@^env.gex
 setenv     Set value of environment variable    c_setenv@^env.gex
 gxyat      Save images in PNG/SVG/PDF/PS        c_gxyat@^gxyat.gex
 set_rgba   Set color red/green/blue/alpha       c_rgba@^gxyat.gex
 hello      Hello, World! sample command         c_hello@^libhello.gex
 ipc_verb   IPC verbose toggle                   c_Verb@^libipc.gex
 ipc_open   Open stream for save/load            c_Open@^libipc.gex
 ipc_close  Close stream                         c_Close@^libipc.gex
 ipc_save   Save expression to stream            c_Save@^libipc.gex
 ipc_define Define variable (obsolete)           c_Define@^libipc.gex
 ipc_error  Print IPC error message              c_Error@^libipc.gex
 mfhilo     Find max/min or H/L in 2D field      c_mfhilo@^libmf.gex
 tcprop     Properties radinf from central lon/lat c_tcprop@^libmf.gex
 shp_lines  Draw lines    from shapefile         c_lines@^shape.gex
 shp_polyf  Draw polygons from shapefile         c_polyf@^shape.gex
 ---------- -----------------------------------  --------------------------

  FUNCTION          Short Description                Function at Library
 ---------- -----------------------------------  --------------------------
 lt         Less than operator                   f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 jd         Julian day                           f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 cosz       Cosine solar zenith angle            f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 dayratio   Daylight ratio                       f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 if         Conditional function                 f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 maxv       Maximum value                        f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 minv       Minimum value                        f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 which      Label gridpoints                     f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 ftest      F-test                               f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 ttest      T-test                               f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 tfit       Point  linear regression             f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 fit        Global linear regression             f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 tcorr2     Time correlation                     f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 tregr2     Point linear regression              f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 tmave2     Time averaging w/masking             f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 madvu      Calculates -d(u*EXPR)/dx             f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 madvv      Calculates -d(V*EXPR)/dy             f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 madvw      Calculates -d(W*EXPR)/dp             f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 muadv      Zonal advection                      f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 mvadv      Meridional advection                 f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 mwadv      Vertical advection                   f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 satvap     Saturated vapor pressure             f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 dew        Dew point temperature                f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 lw         Thermal infrared fluxes              f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 lw2        Thermal infrared fluxes v2           f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 pinterp    Pressure interpolation               f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 zinterp    Height interpolation                 f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 line       Draws a line                         f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 vint2      Mass-weighted vertical integral      f_bjt@^libbjt.gex
 fish       Poisson solver                       f_fish@^fish.gex
 fish_psi   Compute streamfunction               f_psichi@^fish.gex
 fish_chi   Compute velocity potential           f_psichi@^fish.gex
 fish_vor   Compute vorticity                    f_psichi@^fish.gex
 fish_div   Compute divergence                   f_psichi@^fish.gex
 dewpt      Dew-point temperature                f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
 ept        Equivalent potential temperature     f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
 epi        Potential Instability                f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
 plcl       Pressure at LCL                      f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
 shear      Wind Shear                           f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
 srh1km     Storm-relative Helicity 0-1km'       f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
 srh3km     Storm-relative Helicity 0-3km'       f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
 tlcl       Temperature at LCL                   f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
 tsindex    Chance of T-storm Initiation         f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
 ttindex    Total Totals Index                   f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
 wchill     Wind Chill Index (New)               f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
 hello      Hello, World! sample function        f_hello@^libhello.gex
 ipc_save   Save expression to stream            f_Save@^libipc.gex
 ipc_load   Load variable from file              f_Load@^libipc.gex
 smth2d     Shuman smoother/de-smoother          f_smth2d@^libmf.gex
 uv2trw     Find radial/tangential velocity      f_uv2trw@^libmf.gex
 re2        General interpolator (regrid2)       f_re2@^libmf.gex
 esmrf      Saturation vapor pressure (old MRF)  f_esmrf@^libmf.gex
 linreg     Linear regression: mx + b            f_linreg@^libmf.gex
 re         General interpolator                 ffre@^re.gex
 re_        General interpolator (verbose)       ffre_dbg@^re.gex
 regrid2    regrid2-like wrapper for re()        f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
 reimg      Interpolation for Image Generation'  f_gsudf@^gsudf.gex
 sh_filt    Spherical harmonic filter            f_shfilt@^shfilt.gex
 sh_power   Spherical harmonic spectra           f_shpowr@^shfilt.gex
 ---------- -----------------------------------  --------------------------

Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at alum.mit.edu
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