Problem in sst plot

Fil fil at METEOPT.COM
Fri May 15 13:31:35 EDT 2009

You are right, I swapped the results. It seems that for some reason grads
won't draw longitude < 0º with 'set lon' starting with a negative number.
This won't be a problem (drawing first lon > 0º and then lon < 0º) except
for the robinson projection which has to start with -180.

Adding more digits unfortunately didn't work.

Thank you very much for your help.

2009/5/14 Diane Stokes <Diane.Stokes at>

> Sorry that didn't fix all cases for you.  It worked for me running grads
> v1.9b4 and v2.0.a3 on IBM AIX.
> I'm confused by your result with:
>  'set lon -180 180'
> you only see -180º to 0º.  And with:
>  'set lon 180 540'
> you only see 0º to 180º.  Do you have those results swapped in the text
> of your msg?
> If you don't get advice from anyone else, I could only suggest you add a
> couple more significant digits (3's in this case) to your increment values.
>   Good luck.
>      Diane
> Fil wrote:
>> Hi, Diane
>> Thanks a lot for your help, your solution works perfectly for polar
>> stereographic projections. But on other projections it still doesn't
>> show anything from -180º to 0º longitude. If I try to plot just for
>> North America, I get an "Entire Grid Undefined" message.
>> With 'set lon -180 180' it only draws from -180º to 0º. With lon 180 540
>> only draws from 0º to 180º. With lon -360 0 it won't draw anything. And
>> with 0 360 it will draw the entire globe, but with the problem (for me)
>> of getting centered in lon 180º which cuts Europe in half.
>> Thanks.
>> 2009/5/13 Diane Stokes <Diane.Stokes at
>> <mailto:Diane.Stokes at>>
>>    Hi, Filipe.
>>    I recently ran into the same problem with a different dataset on the
>>    same grid.
>>    The spatial resolution the data you are viewing is 1/12 of a degree.
>>    The increment in the xdef and ydef statements of your control file is
>>    0.083.  (That's how the increment is stored in the grib file, so it's
>>    not a result of anything you did wrong).
>>    That increment value is not sufficient to wrap the data completely
>>    around the globe.  You have 4320 points in your xdef:
>>     4321 x 0.083 = 358.643
>>    If you zoom in on the north pole, you'll see the data displayed does
>> not
>>    extend far enough north either.
>>    If you add a few significant digits to the increment values in your
>> xdef
>>    and ydef statements, eg:
>>     xdef 4320 linear 0.042000 0.083333
>>     ydef 2160 linear -89.958000 0.083333
>>    you'll get a more accurate mapping of the data.  The values above will
>>    also bring the left and right edge of the grid sufficiently close that
>>    GrADS will know that the data does wrap the globe.  You'd then be able
>>    to display the field when setting longitude values less than 0 or
>>    greater than 360.
>>      Diane
>>    Filipe wrote:
>>        Hello all,
>>        I'm trying to plot sst data from
>> ,
>>        but for some reason I get a white strip at longitude 0º when
>>        using nps
>>        projection, as you can see from this pic:
>>        When using any other projection, grads only draws from lon > 0º,
>>        as you can
>>        see from these pics:
>>        I don't know what I'm doing wrong, hope someone can help me. I'm
>>        using
>>        latest, wgrib v1.8.0.12x and grads 2.05a (I also
>>        tested v1.9 and
>>        opengrads 2.05). I used the script
>>        Best regards.
>> --
>> Fil -
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