continental relief in png output

Jennifer Adams jma at COLA.IGES.ORG
Mon Mar 16 09:32:23 EDT 2009

In another post, I pointed to a script for generating the topographic  
background map. To use this (or any other image) as a background, use  
the printim command with the -t and -b options:

printim -t 0 -b bg.png

Your transparent color number may be different from 0, this is just an  

Unfortunately, there is a bug introduced in 2.0.a5 in the printim code  
that breaks the background image feature. To fix it, edit gxhpng.c and
remove line 385 that contains "  else {  "
remove line 403 that contains "  }         "


On Mar 12, 2009, at 2:27 PM, Pablo Romero wrote:

> does anyone have any recipes/techniques for creating map plots with  
> 3D continental relief/topographic features?
> I've seen some other plots created with grads that appear to have  
> land areas with detailed 3D terrain visible.
> Im not sure how these are created; are they being 'printim'ed with a  
> foreground png image? if so, how would I go about getting this 3D  
> topographic image data?
> P.Romero
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Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at

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