batch command for creating movie
Ben-Jei Tsuang
btsuang at YAHOO.COM
Tue Jun 16 19:15:26 EDT 2009
Dear All:
Thanks for all the information. Enclosed is Xwindows animation script,
modified from an original script from Wesley Ebisuzaki. This
modification can generate a series of jpg files in the directory
"jpg". For example, the following commands generate 12 jpg files
(variable.0.jpg, variable.1.jpg, .., variable.11.jpg). Hopefully, you
will be interested. And someone can modify it for generating movie
file as well.
set t 1 12
xanim -jgp variable title
2009/6/17 Ryo Furue <furue at>:
> Hi Arlindo and GrADS users,
> | The only problem with animated gif is that you do not have
> | control over the animation speed when viewing. For web applications it
> | is often better to keep the frames in individual files and use some
> | javascripting to set up and animation loop, e.g., [. . . an example
> | elided . . .]
> I agree that that's a very useful thing. For presentations
> MPEGs and animated GIFs are fine, but for research, you often
> want to pause, rewind, step backwards, and so on.
> For that purpose, I use a Javascript generated by
> You have only to do it once; afterwards, you can edit it
> as necessary. Then, you can use your webbrowser as a viewer
> of the slideshow/animation. (If you search Google
> for "javascript" and "slideshow", you'll find tons of
> free and commercial slideshow generators.)
> Since this "animation" is steppable, I often use it to
> traverse in a dimension other than time. For example,
> you can generate a series of meridional sections and
> step through them in the x-direction back and forth.
> (By the way, I suppose you could write a GrADS script
> that does a steppable slideshow, right?)
> Regards,
> Ryo
Ben-Jei Tsuang
Dept. of Environmental Engineering
National Chung-Hsing University
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