Abstracting Indian region data from global data set

Arlindo da Silva arlindo.dasilva at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jun 11 01:07:55 EDT 2009

On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 8:14 AM, Dhaval Prajapati <
dhaval.prajapati at iccsir.org> wrote:

>  Dear All,
> Is there command abstract data for Indian region only from the Global data
> set. I want to work only for Indian land region.

You can use lats4d:

lats4d.sh -i /path/to/yourfile -o indian -lat lat1 lat2 -lon lon1 lon2

Where lat1/2, lon1/2 define the bonding box for the indian region of choice.
You have several choices for the output format, depending on the grads
version you are using. You can read more about lats4d here:




Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at alum.mit.edu
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