Writing a positive signal ( + ) for temperatures

Stephen R McMillan smcmillan at PLANALYTICS.COM
Fri Aug 28 17:04:41 EDT 2009


You didn't say, but I assume you're referring to a contour chart with 
contour labels.  If so, see if following sample script does what you had 
in mind for temperatures.  I've attached two PNG output images..."airt1" 
is GrADS default (- for negatives, no sign for positives), and "airt2" is 
derived from sample script.  The "colors" function provides an alternate 
set of contour colors.

Let me know if it needs further explanation...good luck.
Stephen McMillan

'define airt=air-273.16'
#Do negatives:
'd -airt'
#Do positives:
'set clab %+.f'
'd airt'
'draw title Air Temp (C)   Neg = No sign    Pos = + sign'

function colors(opt)
#set colors for absolute of negatives:
 'set rgb 18 130 0 190'
 'set rgb 20 0 0 150'
 'set rgb 22 0 0 255'
 'set rgb 24 0 100 255'
 'set rgb 26 0 170 255'
 'set rgb 28 0 230 255'
 'set rgb 30 130 255 255'
 'set rgb 31 245 245 245'
  'set clevs 0 2 4 6 8 10 12'
  'set ccols 31 30 28 26 24 22 20 18'
#set colors for positives:
 'set rgb 32 255 255 130'
 'set rgb 34 255 240 0'
 'set rgb 36 255 195 0'
 'set rgb 38 255 130 0'
 'set rgb 40 255 50 0'
 'set rgb 42 220 0 0'
 'set rgb 44 150 0 0'
 'set clevs 2 4 6 8 10 12'
 'set ccols 32 34 36 38 40 42 44'

Fernando Reis <nandoreisbr at YAHOO.COM.BR> 
08/28/2009 10:04 AM
Please respond to


Writing a positive signal ( + ) for temperatures

Hello folks,

I'd like to produce a chart with temperature and wind.  When Grads plots 
Negative temperatures it came with negative signal eg ( -78) and when the 
temperature is positive it came without signal.

I'd like to do it in a different way bye plotting positive values with a 
signal ( + 10 ) and negatives without it. ( 78 ).

Is that possible?


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