A few questions

Cristian Gonzal Muñoz Castillo cmunozc at UDEC.CL
Wed Aug 19 13:42:48 EDT 2009

Hi Laura, regarding to your questions:

1. To increase the size of the string you can use the 'set strsiz' command
on each panel. This can be tricky because only on the output file you can
check the actual size of your string. Minor changes won't make a big
difference on the screen figure.

2. You can always set the title just as another string, to do that use
'draw string' command as usual, but first i recommend set the vpage off so
you can locate your title string anywhere you want.

3. Try using 'set parea' after to 'set vpage off'. Check the cbarn.gs
script for a horizontal colorbar option.

Hope this helps, regards!

> I have a few questions that would help me put the final touches on a few
> plots.
> Question 1:
> I am using vpage to put several plots on one page (2 rows, 2 columns). I
> used xlopts and ylopts to increase the size of the labels for the x and y
> axes. Which command do I need to use to increase the size of the string I
> write using "draw xlab" and "draw ylab" (It seems to me that the size of
> those strings increase with xlopts and ylopts when I only plot one figure
> on
> one page, but does not when I plot multiple figures per page?)
> Question 2:
> How do I plot a title that is not centered in the middle of the plot? Does
> draw title has additional options that I do not know.
> Question 3:
> Finally, how do I plot one color bar at the bottom of the figure. Since
> the
> 4 plots uses the same min and max, I only need to plot one common color
> bar.
> I tried to first set vpage to off, but I can't seem plot the color bar
> using
> cbarn.gs.
> Thanks.
> Laura

Cristian G. Muñoz Castillo
Licenciado en Ciencias Físicas
Candidato a Geofísico
Of. 442
Tel. (41) 2203155
Depto. Geofísica
Facultad Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
Universidad de Concepción

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