downloading and visualizing NARR data

Alan Robock robock at ENVSCI.RUTGERS.EDU
Tue Oct 21 21:15:05 EDT 2008

Dear Friends,

A student, Anthony DeAngelis, and I are trying to download monthly mean
NARR fields and read them with GrADS.

We downloaded a climatology file, cpc_rr_mon.1979-2001.clim.06, and the
grads control and index files, cpc_rr_mon.1979-2001.clim.ctl and
cpc_rr_mon.1979-2001.clim.idx, but could not get GrADS to make
reasonable plots.  We got hints from Wesley, but still could not get it
to work.

Has anyone done this, and could they tell us what to do, particularly
how to modify the .ctl file to get it to work?  Thanks.


Alan Robock, Professor II
   Director, Meteorology Undergraduate Program
   Associate Director, Center for Environmental Prediction
Department of Environmental Sciences        Phone: +1-732-932-9800 x6222
Rutgers University                                  Fax: +1-732-932-8644
14 College Farm Road                   E-mail: robock at
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551  USA

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