g2ctl error

Wesley Ebisuzaki Wesley.Ebisuzaki at NOAA.GOV
Wed Nov 26 10:24:13 EST 2008


   Ensemble support required changes in both g2ctl and wgrib2.  You need
to upgrade wgrib2.


Matt Alonso wrote:
> Hi All,
> Sorry if I missed this in any of the previous emails but I appear to
> be doing something wrong when trying to create a ctl file from some
> GFS grib2 data.  I'm using g2ctl v0.0.4i and get the following results:
> [wtiops at ops1 grib_test]$ wgrib2 -version
> v0.1.7.2b 3/2008 wesley ebisuzaki, Jaakko Hyvätti, Kristian Nilssen,
> Karl Pfeiffer, Manfred Schwarb, Arlindo da Silva, Sergey Varlamov
> [wtiops at ops1 grib_test]$ ./g2ctl gfs.t00z.pgrbf2008112612.grib2 >new.ctl
> *** FATAL ERROR: unknown option -ctl_ens ***
> Big problem:
>   either gfs.t00z.pgrbf2008112612.grib2 is missing or not a grib file
>   or wgrib2 is not on your path or wgrib2 is too old
>   or can not write to /tmp/g5797.tmp (full disk or permissions).
> What am I doing wrong here?  Thanks in advance.
> Cheers,
> Matt

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