cygwin1.dll Windows Problem

Eric Wolvovsky Eric.Wolvovsky at NOAA.GOV
Wed Nov 19 11:08:30 EST 2008


When should I execute this? When I am just in Command Prompt it delivers
an error " 'cygcheck' is not recognized as an internal or external
command, operable program or batch file'


John Huddleston wrote:
> Eric
> Run a cygcheck -v -r -s and send the output in a zip container.
> John Huddleston, PE, PhD
> jhuddleston at
> On Nov 19, 2008, *Eric.Wolvovsky at NOAA.GOV* wrote:
>     Hello fellow GrADS users,
>     I am working with GrADS on multiple Windows computers. However, when I
>     process the data on certain computers everything works fine,
>     however on
>     some computers I get the following error:
>     "Could not reserve space for cygwin1.dll"
>     I am using Windows XP on all of the computers and as far as I can tell
>     all of the settings are the same. Any help would be greatly
>     appreciated.
>     Thank you,
>     Eric

Eric Wolvovsky
5200 Auth Road
Camp Springs, Maryland, USA 20746
PH: 301-763-8000 x7752
FX: 301-763-8125
eric.wolvovsky at

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