Problem with grib2map - GrADS 2.0 item

Eric Altshuler ela at COLA.IGES.ORG
Fri May 16 16:45:41 EDT 2008

Hello Mac,

Given the errors you are reporting, it sounds like you are no longer using grads 2 binaries. Did you manually set your PATH environment variable to include the path to grads 2 binaries ahead of the path to grads 1? If you did, and then you logged out or the machine was rebooted (by you or someone else), then after you log in again, your PATH will not have the grads 2 directory in it anymore, and the shell will run the grads 1 'gribmap' executable. You can find out what executable is actually being run by using the command 'which gribmap'. If you use the C shell, try adding this line to your .cshrc file:

setenv PATH /path/to/grads2/bin:$PATH

where /path/to/grads2/bin is where the grads 2 binaries are located. If you use bash, add this line to .bash_profile:

export PATH=/path/to/grads2/bin:$PATH

Then log out, log in again, and you will be using grads 2 binaries once again.

It's possible your problem is not related to this, but I suspect it is.

Best regards,

Eric L. Altshuler
Assistant Research Scientist
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705-3106

E-mail: ela at
Phone: (301) 902-1257
Fax: (301) 595-9793

----- Original Message -----
From: "mmacleod" <mmacleod at SCOTIAWEATHER.COM>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 1:27:30 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Problem with grib2map - GrADS 2.0 item

Good afternoon Folks.

I have a bit of a strange problem.   On May 15th, I was converting some
of our GrADS1 control files to GrADS 2 so our current scripts will run
without change.   I was working with NAM Tile 34 and had it work and
producing text output files and graphs.

This morning I decided to convert the control file for the full NAM (90
km resolution) files.  I am working on an Intel box with Ubuntu Linux
O/S.  When I ran grib2map on the control file I received a segmentation
fault.  I restarted (rebooted after power down) the computer and tried
again with same error.  Then I tried the same Tile 34 control file with
no change except to change the date from May 15 to 16th as the grib file
are now for the 16th as I cleared the May 15th files from the system
after my test.  I now get the following message from grib2map:

Open Error:  Data file type invalid
  --> The invalid description file record is:
  --> dtype grib2

  The data file was not opened.
File name is:  ETA34.ctl

I am working through Putty to the Linux box but the editor shows that
the control file is in Unix format (as opposed to DOS format).  I have
powered down and restarted the Linux box three times to ensure it was
not a box problem.

I tried this with Tile 23 and got the same information.  I moves the
dtype  line to below the index line  and then the  message says  that
index is the invalid description record.  Index reads: Index pascals

I am attaching the Tile 34 control file and one of the Tile 34 grib
files for your use if you can solve the problem.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Mac MacLeod

M.A. (Mac) MacLeod
President and General Manager
Scotia Weather Services Inc
192 Wyse Road, Suite 8,
Dartmouth, N.S. B3A 1M9

Tele: 902-468-3866
Fax:  902-461-1768
E-mail: mmacleod at
Visit us:

tdef 1 linear 00z16may2008 3hr
dset nam.t00z.awip218%f2.34.grib2
dtype grib2
options pascals template
undef -9.99e33
title NAM Grib2 format Tile 34 Data
pdef 69 72 lcc 35.0 -95.0 -67.3463 -56.0118 25 25 -95 12191 12191
xdef 1668  linear -180 0.1079
ydef 835  linear 0 0.1079
zdef 39 levels 100000 97500 95000 92500 90000 87500 85000 82500 80000 77500 75000 72500 70000 67500 65000 62500 60000 57500 55000 52500 50000 47500 45000 42500 40000 37500 35000 32500 30000 27500 25000 22500 20000 17500 15000 12500 10000 7500 5000
vars 80
z  39,100          0,3,5  ** Geopotential Height(gpm)
u  39,100          0,2,2  ** U Winds (m/s)
v  39,100          0,2,3  ** V Winds (m/s)
t  39,100          0,0,0  ** Temperature (K)
vv 39,100          0,2,8  ** Pressure Vertical Velocity (Pa/s)
rh 39,100          0,1,1  ** Relative Humidity (%)
dpt 39,100         0,0,6  ** Dew Point Temperature (K)
q   39,100         0,1,0  ** Specific Humidity (kg/kg)
vort 39,100        0,2,10 ** Absolute Vorticity (/s)
slp  0,101,0       0,3,1  ** Sea Level Pressure (Pa)
slpe 0,101,0       0,3,192 ** Sea Level Pressure, ETA reduction (Pa)
sfcp 0,111,1       0,3,1 ** Pressure at model sfc (Pa)
sli  0,101         0,7,192 **Surface Lifted Index (K)
lftid4 0,1         0,7,193 ** Best 4-Layer Lifted Index (K)
ps   0,101         0,3,0  ** Surface Pressure (Pa)
zs   0,1           0,3,5  ** Geopotential Height of Surface (gpm)
tpn  0,1           0,1,8,1  ** Total Precipitation (kg/m^2)
pc   0,1           0,1,10,1 ** Convective Precipitation (kg/m^2)
vis  0,1           0,19,0 ** Horizontal Visibility (m)
cape 0,1           0,7,6  ** Convective Available Potential Energy (J/kg) 180-0 mb above ground
cin  0,1           0,7,7  ** Convective Inhibition (J/kg) 180-0 mb above ground
ts   0,1           0,1,0  ** Surface Temperature (K)
t2  0,103,2        0,0,0  ** 2 Meter Temperature (K)
rh2 0,103,2        0,1,1  ** 2 Metre Relative Humidity (%)
u10 0,103,10       0,2,2 ** 10 Meter U Wind (m/s)
v10 0,103,10       0,2,3 ** 10 Meter V Wind (m/s)
u30 0,108,0,30     0,2,2 ** 30-0 mb AG U Wind (m/s)
v30 0,108,0,30     0,2,3 ** 30-0 mb AG V Wind (m/s)
t30 0,108,0,30     0,0,0 ** 30-0 mb AG Temperature (K)
u60 0,108,30,60    0,2,2 ** 60-30 mb AG U Wind (m/s)
v60 0,108,3,600    0,2,3 ** 60-30 mb AG V Wind (m/s)
t60 0,108,30,60    0,0,0 ** 60-30 mb AG Temperature (K)
tcc   0,200        0,6,1 ** Total cloud in the atmos column(%)
sfcr  0,106,0      0,6,1 ** Surface Roughness(model) (m)
mask  0,106,0      0,6,0 ** Land-Sea Mask (1=land; 0=sea)
pls   0,1          0,1,9 ** Large-Scale Precipitation (kg/m^2)
u1829 0,102,1829   0,2,2 ** U Winds at 1829 Meters AMSL (m/s)
u2743 0,102,2743   0,2,2 ** U Winds at 2743 Meters AMSL (m/s)
u3658 0,102,3658   0,2,2 ** U Winds at 3658 Meters AMSL (m/s)
u6030 0,108,30,60  0,2,2 ** U Winds at 60-30 mb AMSL (m/s)
us982 0,104,0.9823 0,2,2 ** U Winds at sigma .9823 AMSL (m/s)
u03   0,108,7680   0,2,2 ** U Winds at 0-30 mb abv gnd (m/s)
v1829 0,102,1829   0,2,3 ** V Winds at 1829 Meters AMSL (m/s)
v2743 0,102,2743   0,2,3 ** V Winds at 2743 Meters AMSL (m/s)
v3658 0,102,3658   0,2,3 ** V Winds at 3658 Meters AMSL (m/s)
v6030 0,108,30,60  0,2,3 ** V Winds at 60-30 mb AMSL (m/s)
vs982 0,104,0.9823 0,2,3 ** V Winds at sigma .9823 AMSL (m/s)
v03   0,108,0,30   0,2,3 ** V Winds at 0-30 mb abv gnd (m/s)
ttrop 0,7          0,0,0 ** Temperature at Tropopause
ptrop 0,7          0,3,0 ** Pressure at Tropopause
utrop 0,7          0,2,2 ** U Winds at Tropopause (m/s)
vtrop 0,7          0,2,3 ** V Winds at Tropopause (m/s)
strop 0,7          2,192 ** Vertical Speed Shear at Tropopause
uls   0,107,1      0,2,2  ** U Winds at Lowest Level (m/s)
vls   0,107,1      0,2,3  ** V Winds at Lowest Level (m/s)
dpt03 0,108,0,30   0,0,6  ** Dew Point Temperature at 0 - 30 mb abv gnd (K)
shm03 0,108,0,30   0,1,0  ** Specific Humidity at 0- 30 mb abv gnd (Kg/Kg)
hmd03 0,108,0,30   0,1,197 ** Horiz Moisture Divergence at 0 - 30 mb abv gnd (kg/kg/s)
vvl03 0,108,0,30   0,2,8  ** Vertical Velocity at 0-30 mb abv gnd (Pa/s)
ncc   0,200        0,6,192 ** Non-convective Cloud Cover in Atmospheric Column (%)
cvc   0,200        0,6,2  ** Convective Cloud Cover in Atmospheric Column (%)
hcdc  0,200        0,6,5  ** High Level Cloud Cover (%)
mcdc  0,200        0,6,4  ** Mid Level Cloud Cover (%)
lcdc  0,200        0,6,3  ** Low Level Cloud Cover (%)
cthgt 0,1          0,6,11 **  Height of Cloud Top - (gpm)
cbhgt 0,1          0,6,11 ** Height of Cloud BAse - (gpm)
csn   0,1          0,1,195 ** Categorial Snow (1 = yes, 0 = no)
cip   0,1          0,1,194 ** Categorial Ice Pellets (1 = yes, 0 = no)
cfzr  0,1          0,1,193 ** Categorial Freezing Rain (1 = yes, 0 = no)
crn   0,1          0,1,192 ** Categorial Rain (1 = yes, 0 = no)
sltmp 0,106,0.1     2,0,2  ** Soil Temperature 0-10cm down (K)
sltp4 0,106,0.4     2,0,2  ** Soil Temperature 10-40 cm down
dswfx  0,1         0,4,192 ** Downward Short Wave Flux at Sfc (W/m^2)
dlwfx  0,1         0,5,192 ** Downward Long Wave Flux at Sfc (W/m^2)
uswfx  0,1         0,4,193 ** Upward Short Wave Flux at Sfc (W/m^2)
ulwfx  0,1         0,5,193 ** Upward Long Wave Flux at Sfc (W/m^2)
accsn  0,1         0,1,201 ** Accumulated Snow cover (Kg/m^2)
soilw  0,106       2,0,192 ** Volumetric Soil Moisture (fraction)
evapt  0,1         0,1,6   ** Evaporation [kg/m^2] at sfc
pevap  0,1         0,1,199 ** Pot. evaporation [kg/m^2] at sfc

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