setting number of digits after the decimal place

Douglas Clark dbcl at CEH.AC.UK
Fri Mar 28 04:39:27 EDT 2008


I think 'set dignum' only works with 'set gxout grid' (although admittedly the web documentation doesn't say that).

You could use something like:
'set gxout print'
'set prnopts %8.2f'
'd var'


>>> sansaad at AJATO.COM.BR 27/03/2008 20:33 >>>
Hello everybody,

How do I set the number of digits after the decimal place of a number? I
tried"set dignum number" (like in the example bellow),but it didn't work.


define var=4.3215
set dignum 2
d var

It should result in 4.32, but it's still 4.3215.

Did I do something wrong?

Thanks a lot,


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