Error in opening ctl file for GFS data
ntmphuong at YAHOO.COM.AU
Wed Mar 5 05:59:22 EST 2008
Dear GRADS users,
I would like to plot GFS data, for example
gfs.t00z.pgrbf00 for 00Z 01/03/2008, the ctl file is
gfs.t00z.pgrbf00.ctl, the idx file is
gfs.t00z.pgrbf00.idx by WINDOWS's GRADS Version
1.8SL11 (all of them are in the same directory of
However, when I run the script the following thing
happened :
Open Error : Memory allocation error in gaddes.c
The data file was not opened
(This happened only with GFS and NOGAPS files those I
downloaded from Internet).
So please help me by guiding me how to overcome this.
Thank you very much.
Best regards,
The ctl file is as following :
dset ^gfs.t00z.pgrbf00
index ^gfs.t00z.pgrbf00.idx
undef 9.999E+20
title gfs.t00z.pgrbf00
* produced by grib2ctl v0.9.12.5p34c
dtype grib 3
options yrev
ydef 181 linear -90.000000 1
xdef 360 linear 0.000000 1.000000
tdef 1 linear 00Z01mar2008 1mo
zdef 26 levels
1000 975 950 925 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500
450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 70 50 30 20 10
vars 91
no4LFTXsfc 0 132,1,0 ** surface Best (4-layer)
lifted index [K]
no5WAVAprs 0 230,100,500 ** 5-wave geopot. height
anomaly [gpm]
no5WAVHprs 0 222,100,500 ** 5-wave geopotential
height [gpm]
ABSVprs 26 41,100,0 ** Absolute vorticity [/s]
CAPEsfc 0 157,1,0 ** surface Convective Avail. Pot.
Energy [J/kg]
CAPE180_0mb 0 157,116,46080 ** 180-0 mb above gnd
Convective Avail. Pot. Energy [J/kg]
CINsfc 0 156,1,0 ** surface Convective inhibition
CIN180_0mb 0 156,116,46080 ** 180-0 mb above gnd
Convective inhibition [J/kg]
CLWMRprs 21 153,100,0 ** Cloud water [kg/kg]
CWATclm 0 76,200,0 ** atmos column Cloud water
GPAprs 2 27,100,0 ** Geopotential height anomaly [gpm]
HGTsfc 0 7,1,0 ** surface Geopotential height [gpm]
HGTprs 26 7,100,0 ** Geopotential height [gpm]
HGTpv2 0 7,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units
level Geopotential height [gpm]
HGTpvneg2 0 7,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000
units level Geopotential height [gpm]
HGThtfl 0 7,204,0 ** highest trop freezing level
Geopotential height [gpm]
HGT0deg 0 7,4,0 ** 0C isotherm level Geopotential
height [gpm]
HGTmwl 0 7,6,0 ** max wind level Geopotential height
HGTtrp 0 7,7,0 ** tropopause Geopotential height
HPBLsfc 0 221,1,0 ** surface Planetary boundary
layer height [m]
ICECsfc 0 91,1,0 ** surface Ice concentration
(ice=1;no ice=0) [fraction]
LANDsfc 0 81,1,0 ** surface Land cover
(land=1;sea=0) [fraction]
LFTXsfc 0 131,1,0 ** surface Surface lifted index
O3MRprs 6 154,100,0 ** Ozone mixing ratio [kg/kg]
POTsig995 0 13,107,9950 ** sig=.995 Potential temp.
PRESsfc 0 1,1,0 ** surface Pressure [Pa]
PRESpv2 0 1,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units
level Pressure [Pa]
PRESpvneg2 0 1,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000
units level Pressure [Pa]
PRESmwl 0 1,6,0 ** max wind level Pressure [Pa]
PREStrp 0 1,7,0 ** tropopause Pressure [Pa]
PRMSLmsl 0 2,102,0 ** Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa]
PWATclm 0 54,200,0 ** atmos column Precipitable water
RHprs 21 52,100,0 ** Relative humidity [%]
RH2m 0 52,105,2 ** 2 m Relative humidity [%]
RHsig995 0 52,107,9950 ** sig=.995 Relative humidity
RHsg44_100 0 52,108,11364 ** sigma=0.44-1.00 layer
Relative humidity [%]
RHsg72_94 0 52,108,18526 ** sigma=0.72-0.94 layer
Relative humidity [%]
RHsg44_72 0 52,108,11336 ** sigma=0.44-0.72 layer
Relative humidity [%]
RHsg33_100 0 52,108,8548 ** sigma=0.33-1.00 layer
Relative humidity [%]
RH30_0mb 0 52,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd Relative
humidity [%]
RHclm 0 52,200,0 ** atmos column Relative humidity
RHhtfl 0 52,204,0 ** highest trop freezing level
Relative humidity [%]
RH0deg 0 52,4,0 ** 0C isotherm level Relative
humidity [%]
SOILWSoilT 0 144,112,10 ** 0-10 cm undergnd
Volumetric soil moisture [fraction]
SOILWdlr 3 144,112,0 ** Volumetric soil moisture
SPFH2m 0 51,105,2 ** 2 m Specific humidity [kg/kg]
SPFH30_0mb 0 51,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd
Specific humidity [kg/kg]
TCDCcvl 0 71,244,0 ** convective cld layer Total
cloud cover [%]
TMPsfc 0 11,1,0 ** surface Temp. [K]
TMPprs 26 11,100,0 ** Temp. [K]
TMP1829m 0 11,103,1829 ** 1829 m Temp. [K]
TMP2743m 0 11,103,2743 ** 2743 m Temp. [K]
TMP3658m 0 11,103,3658 ** 3658 m Temp. [K]
TMP2m 0 11,105,2 ** 2 m Temp. [K]
TMPsig995 0 11,107,9950 ** sig=.995 Temp. [K]
TMPSoilT 0 11,112,10 ** 0-10 cm undergnd Temp. [K]
TMPdlr 3 11,112,0 ** Temp. [K]
TMP30_0mb 0 11,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd Temp.
TMPpv2 0 11,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units
level Temp. [K]
TMPpvneg2 0 11,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000
units level Temp. [K]
TMPmwl 0 11,6,0 ** max wind level Temp. [K]
TMPtrp 0 11,7,0 ** tropopause Temp. [K]
TOZNEclm 0 10,200,0 ** atmos column Total ozone
UGRDprs 26 33,100,0 ** u wind [m/s]
UGRD1829m 0 33,103,1829 ** 1829 m u wind [m/s]
UGRD2743m 0 33,103,2743 ** 2743 m u wind [m/s]
UGRD3658m 0 33,103,3658 ** 3658 m u wind [m/s]
UGRD10m 0 33,105,10 ** 10 m u wind [m/s]
UGRDsig995 0 33,107,9950 ** sig=.995 u wind [m/s]
UGRD30_0mb 0 33,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd u wind
UGRDpv2 0 33,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units
level u wind [m/s]
UGRDpvneg2 0 33,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000
units level u wind [m/s]
UGRDmwl 0 33,6,0 ** max wind level u wind [m/s]
UGRDtrp 0 33,7,0 ** tropopause u wind [m/s]
VGRDprs 26 34,100,0 ** v wind [m/s]
VGRD1829m 0 34,103,1829 ** 1829 m v wind [m/s]
VGRD2743m 0 34,103,2743 ** 2743 m v wind [m/s]
VGRD3658m 0 34,103,3658 ** 3658 m v wind [m/s]
VGRD10m 0 34,105,10 ** 10 m v wind [m/s]
VGRDsig995 0 34,107,9950 ** sig=.995 v wind [m/s]
VGRD30_0mb 0 34,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd v wind
VGRDpv2 0 34,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units
level v wind [m/s]
VGRDpvneg2 0 34,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000
units level v wind [m/s]
VGRDmwl 0 34,6,0 ** max wind level v wind [m/s]
VGRDtrp 0 34,7,0 ** tropopause v wind [m/s]
VVELprs 21 39,100,0 ** Pressure vertical velocity
VVELsig995 0 39,107,9950 ** sig=.995 Pressure
vertical velocity [Pa/s]
VWSHpv2 0 136,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units
level Vertical speed shear [1/s]
VWSHpvneg2 0 136,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000
units level Vertical speed shear [1/s]
VWSHtrp 0 136,7,0 ** tropopause Vertical speed shear
WEASDsfc 0 65,1,0 ** surface Accum. snow [kg/m^2]
National Center for Hydrometeorological Forecasts
Email : ntmphuong at, ntmphuong at
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