Gribmap for GrADS 2.0.a2 with template option issue? (grib2 files)

Wesley Ebisuzaki Wesley.Ebisuzaki at NOAA.GOV
Mon Jun 9 10:55:42 EDT 2008


   I haven't thought much about adding EDEF support to g2ctl.   Writing
a perl script
would be the best.  If the perl script is general enough, we could try
it into g2ctl later.


Jennifer Adams wrote:
> Wesley would have to provide the last word, but I do not believe he
> has added support for EDEF statements in g2ctl yet.
> I generally compose them manually using output from grib2scan, and
> gribmap with the -v option.
> Jennifer
> On Jun 6, 2008, at 4:48 PM, Uwe Gramann wrote:
>> Do I understand you correctly then:
>> I cannot get to create a control file with EDEF statements,
>> since none of the following can find my grib files:
>> -verf gep%e.t00z.pgrb2af%f3.grib > uwe.ctl
>> -verf gep%e.t00z.pgrb2af000.grib > uwe.ctl
>> So I should write a little perl script that will do the job for me?
>> Cheers,
>> Uwe
>>     ----- Original Message -----
>>     *From:* Jennifer Adams <mailto:jma at COLA.IGES.ORG>
>>     *Sent:* Friday, June 06, 2008 1:28 PM
>>     *Subject:* Re: Gribmap for GrADS 2.0.a2 with template option
>>     issue? (grib2 files)
>>     On Jun 6, 2008, at 3:19 PM, Uwe Gramann wrote:
>>>     Hmm that's interesting, I was not aware that I HAD to use the
>>>     ensemble descriptor.
>>     You need to include the ensemble grib codes when the Product
>>     Definition Template Number is 1, 2, 11, or 12. There are examples
>>     (such as ecmwf tigge data) in which the PDT number is the only
>>     way to distinguish two fields in the same file. The GrADS
>>     interface doesn't have a place to put the PDT number, it is
>>     assumed to be 0 or 8 unless specified otherwise in the extended
>>     EDEF entry.
>>     The grib2scan utility will tell you what the PDT number is, and
>>     so will the gribmap -v output, and so will wgrib2 -Sec4.
>>>     This leads me then to a more basic question, though:
>>> then would be able to generate the control file from
>>>     the original files, right?  The orginals are:
>>>     ...
>>>     -rw-r--r-- 1 ugramann ugramann  64919 Jun  5 03:56
>>>     gep20.t00z.pgrb2af240.grib
>>>     -rw-r--r-- 1 ugramann ugramann  64866 Jun  5 03:56
>>>     gep20.t00z.pgrb2af252.grib
>>>     -rw-r--r-- 1 ugramann ugramann  65039 Jun  5 03:56
>>>     gep20.t00z.pgrb2af264.grib
>>>     -rw-r--r-- 1 ugramann ugramann  65079 Jun  5 03:56
>>>     gep20.t00z.pgrb2af276.grib
>>>     -rw-r--r-- 1 ugramann ugramann  64692 Jun  5 03:56
>>>     gep20.t00z.pgrb2af288.grib
>>>     -rw-r--r-- 1 ugramann ugramann  65104 Jun  5 03:56
>>>     gep20.t00z.pgrb2af300.grib
>>>     -rw-r--r-- 1 ugramann ugramann  64787 Jun  5 03:56
>>>     gep20.t00z.pgrb2af312.grib
>>>     -rw-r--r-- 1 ugramann ugramann  65517 Jun  5 03:56
>>>     gep20.t00z.pgrb2af324.grib
>>>     -rw-r--r-- 1 ugramann ugramann  65090 Jun  5 03:56
>>>     gep20.t00z.pgrb2af336.grib
>>>     -rw-r--r-- 1 ugramann ugramann  65445 Jun  5 03:56
>>>     gep20.t00z.pgrb2af348.grib
>>>     -rw-r--r-- 1 ugramann ugramann  64933 Jun  5 03:56
>>>     gep20.t00z.pgrb2af360.grib
>>>     -rw-r--r-- 1 ugramann ugramann  65708 Jun  5 03:56
>>>     gep20.t00z.pgrb2af372.grib
>>>     -rw-r--r-- 1 ugramann ugramann  65313 Jun  5 03:56
>>>     gep20.t00z.pgrb2af384.grib
>>>     but the following line does not find any files:
>>> -verf gep%e.t00z.pgrb2af%f3.grib > uwe.ctl
>>>     (if I replace the %e template with '20' it finds the files, but
>>>     not with '%e2')
>>>     I am still doing something wrong with the ensemble template??
>>     The %e template substitution marker doesn't require a number the
>>     way the time template markers do. The ensemble name (as given in
>>     your EDEF statement) is substituted completely where the %e
>>      appears in your DSET entry.
>>     Jennifer
>>>     Thanks so much and Cheers,
>>>     Uwe
>>>         ----- Original Message -----
>>>         *From:* Jennifer Adams <mailto:jma at COLA.IGES.ORG>
>>>         *Sent:* Friday, June 06, 2008 11:17 AM
>>>         *Subject:* Re: Gribmap for GrADS 2.0.a2 with template option
>>>         issue? (grib2 files)
>>>         Uwe,
>>>         There's no need to have a separate descriptor file for each
>>>         member -- that's the whole purpose of the E dimension, to
>>>         aggregate members into a single data set! An example of a
>>>         GFS ensemble descriptor file with full EDEF is here:
>>>         Specifically, what your descriptor needs, is this:
>>>         edef 1
>>>         20  33  00z05jun2008  3,20
>>>         endedef
>>>         The name "20" is a guess from your filename. If you want to
>>>         template over E, change DSET to
>>>         dset ^gens_%e_2008060500z_P%f3.grib
>>>         Then get the ensemble grib codes from the grib2scan output
>>>         (grep on "Ens") or from the gribmap -v output (look for "ens=")
>>>         The EDEF documentation is
>>>         at
>>>         Jennifer
>>>         On Jun 6, 2008, at 12:22 PM, Uwe Gramann wrote:
>>>>         Hi Jennifer,
>>>>         thanks for looking into this!
>>>>         I have attached the output of the gribmap/grib2scan and the
>>>>         ctl file (which does not contain a edef declaration).  I am
>>>>         not sure if I need an edef declaration, though, since I am
>>>>         treating each member as a separate model and create control
>>>>         files for each independently?
>>>>         In case I will not get anywhere ... is there a server that
>>>>         has grib1 data of the gfs ensembles still?
>>>>         Cheer and thanks again,
>>>>         Uwe
>>>>             ----- Original Message -----
>>>>             *From:* Jennifer Adams <mailto:jma at COLA.IGES.ORG>
>>>>             *To:* GRADSUSR at LIST.CINECA.IT
>>>>             <mailto:GRADSUSR at LIST.CINECA.IT>
>>>>             *Sent:* Thursday, June 05, 2008 12:00 PM
>>>>             *Subject:* Re: Gribmap for GrADS 2.0.a2 with template
>>>>             option issue? (grib2 files)
>>>>             On Jun 4, 2008, at 10:13 PM, Uwe Gramann wrote:
>>>>>             Hello everybody,
>>>>>             I have not much luck trying to open GFS ensemble grib2
>>>>>             files with the template option.  After downloading all
>>>>>             members and trying to apply the time-template option
>>>>>             to a member like:
>>>>>    -verf gens_20_2008060400z_P%f3.grib > uwe.ctl
>>>>>             gribmap -i uwe.ctl
>>>>>             gribmap reports no errors, the control file looks
>>>>>             okay, but all variables are undef in Grads 2.0.a2!
>>>>             What does your descriptor file look like? I don't think
>>>>             g2ctl handles the ensemble declarations for EDEF (yet),
>>>>              you may have to add those manually.
>>>>             What is the output from gribmap -v ?
>>>>             What is the output from grib2scan -v ?
>>>>             Jennifer
>>>>>             I have no issues opening the individual files in Grads
>>>>>             or combining each forecast-member's files into one
>>>>>             large file and then opening those.
>>>>>             Jennifer just mentioned that a gribmap time-template
>>>>>             bug has been fixed, but I still have one ....
>>>>>             Does anybody have any ideas ... suggestions ...
>>>>>             Cheers and thanks to all
>>>>>             Uwe
>>>>>             ---------------------------------------
>>>>>             Uwe Gramann
>>>>>             Mountain Weather Services
>>>>>             P.O.Box 4191, 4262 Railway Ave.
>>>>>             Smithers, BC, V0J 2N0
>>>>>             Cell: +250.877.3785
>>>>>             e-mail: weather at <mailto:weather at>
>>>>>             web:
>>>>>             <>
>>>>>             ---------------------------------------
>>>>>                 ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>                 *From:* Jennifer Adams <mailto:jma at COLA.IGES.ORG>
>>>>>                 *To:* GRADSUSR at LIST.CINECA.IT
>>>>>                 <mailto:GRADSUSR at LIST.CINECA.IT>
>>>>>                 *Sent:* Friday, May 02, 2008 9:40 AM
>>>>>                 *Subject:* NEW RELEASE of GrADS 2.0.a2
>>>>>                 Dear All,
>>>>>                 I have posted a new version of GrADS:  2.0.a2.
>>>>>                 This version has several new features and
>>>>>                 important bug fixes. The GrADS downloads web page
>>>>>                 ( has also
>>>>>                 been updated with links to the source code and two
>>>>>                 binary releases (more binaries to follow as soon
>>>>>                 as possible).
>>>>>                     Features:
>>>>>                     * ready for use with GDS-2.0 to access
>>>>>                 5-dimensional data sets via OPeNDAP
>>>>>                     * support for thinned grib2 grids
>>>>>                     * gribmap has -0 option for grib2
>>>>>                     * allows non-float data types for hdf
>>>>>                 coordinate axes
>>>>>                     Bug Fixes:
>>>>>                     * memory leak when replacing an existing
>>>>>                 defined variable
>>>>>                     * multiple fixes for netcdf/hdf handling
>>>>>                 (templating, zrev, %nodim%, et al.)
>>>>>                     * contour interval and label handling for
>>>>>                 double precision numbers
>>>>>                     * changed 'query dims' output for ensembles
>>>>>                     * fixed gribmap's handling of data sets
>>>>>                 templated over T but not E
>>>>>                     * fixed 'set annot' command and other minor bugs
>>>>>                 This release is a companion for GDS 2.0, which can
>>>>>                 now serve 5-D data sets. COLA is running a 2nd GDS
>>>>>                 for testing on port 9191 that is serving
>>>>>                 everything on the 9090 server plus GFS ensemble
>>>>>                 forecasts. Check 'em out at
>>>>>                 A public release of GDS 2.0 is forthcoming -- we
>>>>>                 are still testing. If you'd like to help, please
>>>>>                 try using the 9191 server.
>>>>>                 Please post comments and questions and bug reports
>>>>>                 here (low-tech bug tracking is still in use at
>>>>>                 COLA). As always, I must be able to reproduce a
>>>>>                 problem on my own systems in order to fix it, so
>>>>>                 keep that in mind when reporting bugs.
>>>>>                 Jennifer
>>>>>                 --
>>>>>                 Jennifer M. Adams
>>>>>                 IGES/COLA
>>>>>                 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
>>>>>                 Calverton, MD 20705
>>>>>                 jma at <mailto:jma at>
>>>>             --
>>>>             Jennifer M. Adams
>>>>             IGES/COLA
>>>>             4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
>>>>             Calverton, MD 20705
>>>>             jma at <mailto:jma at>
>>>>         <gens_20_2008060500z_P000.ctl><grib2scan.with.gens_20_2008060500z_P012.grib><gribmap.of.gens_20_2008060500z_P000.ctl>
>>>         --
>>>         Jennifer M. Adams
>>>         IGES/COLA
>>>         4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
>>>         Calverton, MD 20705
>>>         jma at <mailto:jma at>
>>     --
>>     Jennifer M. Adams
>>     IGES/COLA
>>     4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
>>     Calverton, MD 20705
>>     jma at <mailto:jma at>
> --
> Jennifer M. Adams
> 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
> Calverton, MD 20705
> jma at <mailto:jma at>

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