about output data

madan sigdel madan at EES.HOKUDAI.AC.JP
Sat Jul 26 21:41:57 EDT 2008

Dear Users

I have calculated the out put result using fwrite and made separate binary
file and read the output  data by control file.

But the results seem some strange. Is the way of doing correct?

My file looks like this


Open shum.mon.mean.ctl

Open  uwnd.mon.mean.ctl

Open vwnd.mon.mean.ctl

Set lev 1000

Set lat -90 90

Set lon 0 360

Set t 277 672

Define qu=u.2*sh

Define qv=v.3*sh

Define flx1=vint(lev,qu,500)

Define flx2=vint(lev,qv,500)

Set gxout fwrite

Set fwrite data.bin

  d flx1

   d flx2

disable fwrite


Thank you



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