Finding terrain.deck properties using MMOUT_DOMAIN1

sreenivas desamsetti sreeds82 at YAHOO.COM
Fri Jul 4 05:35:38 EDT 2008

Dear sir,
I previously created MMINPUT, LOWBDY and BDYOUT files using terrain.deck
file for 2 domains. Now that terrain.deck file doesnot exist with me.
Shall I found the co-ordinates, and some parameters which can be used
in the terrain.deck file.
If so please kindly disscuss with me.
I will be thankful if I can get the same terrain.deck back.
Thanking you

Desamsetti Srinivas

     Research Scholar,

     Department of Meteorology and Oceanography,

     Andhra University,

     Visakhapatnam - 530 003

     91 9948530618 (M)

     sreeds82 at

     sreeds82 at

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