Cross section using maskout for terrain
Charles Seman
Charles.Seman at NOAA.GOV
Wed Jul 2 17:19:56 EDT 2008
Found a file containing a script "" posted to the Listserv by
Wesley Ebisuzaki (attached).
I hope this helps,
Dan Leins wrote:
> Bill,
> Thanks for the suggestion. I attempted to set up a mask using the
> difference between hgtprs and hgtsfc. Unfortunately this produced
> similar "boxy" results like the images I attached initially.
> What routine does maskout use to "mask out" the negative areas? Is
> there a way for it to use the same smooth routine used when contouring?
> Dan
> On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Bill Bua <Bill.Bua at
> <mailto:Bill.Bua at>> wrote:
> Dan --
> I suspect it's because you're using lev, which is discretized into
> layers, and shading, resulting in 'boxy' plots to the nearest
> level set
> up in your control file and "masking out" anything that has a value of
> your variable t1pm1-lev < 0. The plot of t1pm1-lev is smooth
> because of
> the plotting routine used for contours.
> I'm not sure if this will work better, but perhaps you can use the
> model
> topographic height if it's available and subtract the height of the
> 'lev' pressure surfaces as an alternative. Your mask might look more
> like the topography than the levels if you do so.
> Hope this helps.
> Bill Bua
> Dan Leins wrote:
> All,
> I am attempting to draw a simple cross section showing temperature
> across a model domain and I would like to maskout the area below
> ground. I have seen some traffic on this issue. I see that I
> should be
> able to define the terrain by subtracting pressfc/100 from
> lev, with
> all negative values being areas that are underground. Then using
> maskout, I can do the following:
> d maskout(tmpprs,t1pm1-lev)
> This gives me something in the ballpark of what I'm looking for
> (image1.png), but the shaded area looks very gridded in
> nature. When I
> simply plot a contoured plot of 't1pm1-lev', it doesn't look
> gridded
> at all and appears nice and smooth (image2.png). The model grid
> spacing is 4km and I'm covering about 500km in my cross
> section so I'm
> guessing things should appear relatively smooth.
> Why does maskout produce results that look so gridded? Is
> there any
> other way I can maskout the underground areas but still have a
> nice
> crisp outline of the terrain?
> Thanks!
> Dan Leins
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please note that Charles.Seman at should be considered my NOAA
email address, not cjs at
Charles Seman Charles.Seman at
U.S. Department of Commerce / NOAA / OAR
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory voice: (609) 452-6547
201 Forrestal Road fax: (609) 987-5063
Princeton, NJ 08540-6649
"The contents of this message are mine personally and do not necessarily
reflect any position of the Government or NOAA."
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