image output
Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at ALUM.MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 29 20:21:50 EST 2008
On Jan 29, 2008 6:06 PM, Shun Jie Liu <shun.jie.liu at> wrote:
> Hello, I am having a problem with image-output
> when I type wi, it says unknown command
> and when I type 'printim' it says
> printim command DISABLED
> How can I get it enabled ?
Recent builds of GrADS usually disables "wi" as printim is a pretty good
replacement. It appears that the binary you are using was not compiled with
printim support, so there is nothing you can do to renable printim, short of
recompiling it. Your best bet is to try one of the v1.9.0-rc1 binaries that
were announced a couple of days ago: they all include "printim" support.
If you install the corresponding extensions, there is a replacement for
printim called "gxyat" which produces images with better font quality. The
syntax is pretty similar:
ga-> display something
ga-> gxyat myimage.png
Gxyat is both a command line utility as well a (user defined) grads command
much like printim. A warning, tough. With better image quality comes a large
file size. For a list of command line options, just type
ga-> gxyat
without any arguments.
BTW, when asking for help is very important that you let us know which
platform and which version of grads you are running. Often, sending the
output of "q config" is very helpful.
Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at
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