Performance tuning

Stefan Gofferje gradsusers at GOFFERJE.HOMELINUX.ORG
Fri Aug 29 03:03:13 EDT 2008


Arlindo da Silva schrieb:
> Are you sure your problem is CPU rather than memory usage? There is a
> lot of caching in grads v2 that tends to set your memory "watermark"
> quite high (some of this you can control).  Are you running on a 32 or
> 64-bit OS?

32bit custom Linux apparently.
I am not really sure, what is the problem and the admins also don't tell
too much.
One thing that is reproduceable is that the mysql performance hits the
ground while my GrADS process is running. And when I do little more
demanding queries like e.g. select the last 500 entries from the log
database, the GrADS process gets terminated.
As I wrote, CPU usage SHOULD not be a problem as I meanwhile start GrADS
with nice 15. So if GrADS is written cleanly, it should step back quite
a lot if other tasks demand CPU time.


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"Where is that rotation on the radar?!"

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