software on station data

See Hai Ooi axl419 at YAHOO.COM
Fri Aug 29 02:55:36 EDT 2008

Dear sir,

       This utility software may be of great help to me too for my work using GrADS window version.  But I could not locate it in the user list.  Can you extend a copy to me ?

       Thank you.

Ooi See Hai

--- On Fri, 29/8/08, Ben-Jei Tsuang <btsuang at YAHOO.COM> wrote:

> From: Ben-Jei Tsuang <btsuang at YAHOO.COM>
> Subject: Re: software on station data
> Date: Friday, 29 August, 2008, 2:31 PM
> Dear Mandan:
> Since shaded and contour do not support station data directly, you should use oacres() or oabin() to convert the station data to gridded data to use the functions.
> Ben
> ________________________________________
> From: madan sigdel [mailto:madan at]
> Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 12:20 PM
> To: 'Ben-Jei Tsuang'
> Subject: RE: software on station data
> Thank you Tsuang. Initially it is working. But Iam wondering why not  the contour or shade plots on the display.
>                                      Thank u again
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ben-Jei Tsuang [mailto:btsuang at]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 5:28 AM
> To: madan sigdel; dasilva at
> Subject: Re: software on station data
> Dear Madan and Arlindo:
> Enclosed is the utility of "stngrads". It convert station data for GrADS station format.
> In the tar file, stngrads.exe is a executative file for cygwin
> Please excuate "stngrads" to see the help. In addiiton, show an example how to covert station data in lon/lat coordiante to GrADS station data.
> show an example how to covert station data in utm (for Taiwan Area) coordiante to GrADS station data.
> Dear Arlindo
> Is it possible that you could organize the utility for putting into "GrADS Cookbook"?
> Ben
> madan sigdel <madan at> wrote:
> Dear Sir
> I have seen on the grads user list that you have a software to convert ‘station data to grads binary data’. Could you provide me a copy of it. I am planning to use the station data for my research.
> Waiting to hear from you
> Thank you
> ...............................
> Madan Sigdel
> Graduate School of Environmental Science
> Hokkaido University
> On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 10:10 PM, Ben-Jei Tsuang
> <btsuang at> wrote:
> Dear Arlindo:
> I have a set of programs which convert binary to ascii, covert ascii station data to grads station and grid format. Perhaps, we should put some of these codes in source.forge.
> This is a good idea. I am about to create a "GrADS Cookbook" wiki where those programs cold be introduced as recipes for solving particular problems. What do you think?
> The ASCII->station sounds very interesting. It would be nice to write an extension that reads ASCII and displays it as station data. Unfortunately, I am not too familiar with the station data implementation in grads.
>   Arlindo
> --
> Arlindo da Silva
> dasilva at

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