station to netcdf

Habib Amini habibamini at GMAIL.COM
Fri Aug 15 03:13:03 EDT 2008


We did a lot of work for using GrADS  software for drawing and superimposing
tow figures of () .
We have also downloaded CrADS Classic. Our source data for wind and omega is
provided in netcdf format.

However, we do not know how to introduce our input file to this GrADS
software. Since if you have used this software, may I ask you give me some
hints for using this software?   I need directions (Programs) to use and
apply bye GrADS.
Best Regards

On 8/14/08, Ben-Jei Tsuang <btsuang at> wrote:
>  To GrADS user:
> I am curious that do any one have a code which can convert ascii station
> data to netcdf format?
> Input data format like:
>  Time (yyyy mm dd hh) id lon lat var1 var2  ....
> eg.:
> 1994 01 01 14  EPA008 298499 2773094 26.2 2.59 0.40 -99999 -99999 24.6
> 1994 01 01 15 EPA009 287181 2774582 20.7 2.09 0.30 -99999 -99999 22.1
> 1995 11 03 01 EPA008 298499 2773094 23.2 4.59 0.40 -99999 -99999 24.6
> 1999 07 03 01 EPA009 287181 2774582 10.7 6.09 0.30 -99999 -99999 22.1
> Ben-Jei Tsuang
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