Potential Bug with Grads2

Pablo Santos Pablo.Santos at NOAA.GOV
Tue Aug 5 12:28:08 EDT 2008


I recently updated to Grads 2 in a 64 bit RedHat Ent 4 system. For a
couple of years now  I have been plotting output from the wrf using
grads 1.9 using grads scripts. After I downloaded the grads 2 version I
tried it by plotting simple grib1 and grib2 files without problem. But
when I re-enacted the cron that runs the script plotting the wrf output
my hard drive space gets eaten up when running the grads scripts running
out of inodes. We thought it was a problem with the machine but tested
it in two different machines including a brand new one. After much trial
I reverted back to version 1.9 and everything is good again.

Could there be something wrong with the compiled version of grads 2 in
the website? It happens with both the 64 bits RH Ent 4 and the standard
i686 binaries.

Anyone seen this?



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