template in gribmap

Maat, Herbert ter Herbert.termaat at WUR.NL
Tue Aug 5 03:35:43 EDT 2008

Dear GrADS-users,
I have the following question about the utility gribmap. I have created
a set of big grib-files containing records with forecasted values at +12
and +36 of rainfall. Per year one grib-file is generated with values at
12Z, so that I have rainfall values at 0Z +1) and (0Z +2). To display
this data in GrADS I have gone through the following steps:
grib2ctl.pl -verf FC_PREC_%y4 > prec+36.ctl ! using the template option
c:\program files\GrADS19\win32\gribmap -e -v -f36 -i prec+36.ctl 
If I want to display the data at t=367 (e.g. time=00ZJAN021961), which
is actually 12ZDEC311960 + 36) I get the following error message. I
guess that GrADS tries to extract this data from the wrong GRIB file.
How do I overcome this problem? Any suggestions?
ga-> set t 367
Time values set: 1961:1:2:0 1961:1:2:0
ga-> d lsfpsfc
Notice:  Automatic Grid Interpolation Taking Place
GRIB I/O Error reading 71441 bytes at 157633263
  File name is: PREC_1961
Data Request Error:  Error for variable 'lspsfc'
  Error ocurred at column 1
DISPLAY error:  Invalid expression
  Expression = lspsfc

Herbert ter Maat


Herbert ter Maat

Researcher Land-Atmosphere Interactions

ESS-CC (Earth System Science-Climate Change)

Alterra, Wageningen-UR

PO Box 47, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands

Visiting address: Droevendaalsesteeg 4 (building 104), Wageningen

tel: +31 317 486429

fax: +31 317 419000

email: herbert.termaat at wur.nl <mailto:herbert.termaat at wur.nl> 

research: http://www.alterra.wur.nl/ESS-CC

education: http://www.ess.wur.nl <http://www.ess.wur.nl/>  (under

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