bufrscan output

Mark Northcroft mark at CRG.BPB.WITS.AC.ZA
Wed Apr 30 09:58:34 EDT 2008

Hi there.

I am trying to use the bufrscan utility on EUMETSAT's Instability Index
Bufr files, however the values I am extracting are decidedly wrong.  I
am using the version 12 tables.
My processed output is as follows.  The values for all fields appear to
be within an expected range, but they are not correct or even sequential.

subset          satellite_id    origin_cent     Description
resolution_m    resolution_n    year            month
day             hour            minute          second
row             column          centre_lat      centre_lon
sat_zenith      KI              KO
 0:                55                    3
496                  21312                45000
10               (15)               50              0
3                   58                 3585            2050
-88.6884        -179.997         120.56          -30
 1:                961                  57584
240                 123120               123120
1923            12                  7               16
30                 3                   3132            480
225.188         -22.4058         -51.53            101

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could be going wrong?

Thanks a lot.

Mark Northcroft

Climatology Research Group
Room 101A
Bernard Price Building
East Campus
University of the Witwatersrand

P.Bag 3

Tel:        +27 11 717 6531
Fax:       +27 11 717 6535

Mail: mark at crg.wits.ac.za
         marknorthcroft at gmail.com


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