Plot stations data
Lance Steele
lancesteele42 at YAHOO.COM
Tue Apr 15 12:16:00 EDT 2008
Dear Ioannis,
Although I have not tried this myself, a coworker of mine uses Fortran to read text then
to output binary .dat files. The most useful web page I have read is: Scroll down to the sections
labelled 'Binary Formats' and especially 'Creating Data Files' for more information and
an example.
Kali Tihi,
Lance Steele
--- Ioannis Koletsis <koletsis at METEO.NOA.GR> wrote:
> Dear grads users,
> I have a txt file with several stations with the following parameters:
> year | month | stid | lat | lon | u | v |
> Which is the easiest way to create the .dat file in order to plot wind barbs ?
> Thanks in advance
> Ioannis
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Ioannis Koletsis
> National Observatory of Athens
> Institute for Environmental Research
> Lofos Koufou
> 15236-Penteli
> Athens-Greece
> Tel: (+30) 210 8109140
> e-mail: koletsis at
> ikoletsis at
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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