Looking for nmap

Arlindo da Silva dasilva at ALUM.MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 7 17:37:29 EDT 2008


   Where can one find 'nmap'?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bill Reilly <Bill_Reilly at compuserve.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: New Win32 GrADS build
To: Arlindo da Silva <dasilva at alum.mit.edu>


Thanks for your reply... no, as it turns out I didn't have the latest
build... I've been checking
http://opengrads.org/pre-rel/win32/ and I hadn't seen that there was a newer
build available on
SourceForge... the one I had downloaded on Saturday was

I now have the newest build and I got shape working without a problem...
that's a very nice addition
to GrADS, being able to use alternate basemaps...

Also, according to the GrADS documentation, the choices for basemaps using
"set mpdset" are: lowres,
mres, hires and nmap (which covers North America only)... I just assumed
nmap would be a higher
resolution basemap for use in North America, but I can't find it anywhere...

Thank you again for all your help...

Bill Reilly
(+34) 686-110-748
bill at passageweather.com

-------------Forwarded Message-----------------

From:   "Arlindo da Silva",
INTERNET:dasilva at alum.mit.edu<INTERNET%3Adasilva at alum.mit.edu>
To:     "Bill Reilly", Bill_Reilly

CC:     [unknown],
INTERNET:gradsusr at list.cineca.it<INTERNET%3Agradsusr at list.cineca.it>

Date:   04/07/08 04:42 PM

RE:     Re: New Win32 GrADS build

On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 7:26 AM, Bill Reilly <Bill_Reilly at compuserve.com>

> Arlindo:
> First of all, I want to thenk you for your latest Win32 build of GrADS, it
> is working perfectly... I have been using it live for all my website plots
> for a month now and it is better and faster than v1.8 by a long way...

You are welcome, I am glad to hear it is working.

> I have a couple questions for you:
> I want to try to use the "shape" extension, but I can't seem to find it
> anywhere... Does this not work with the Win32 build, or is it just not
> available yet?

I just released a new version yesterday that fixes some small bugs and adds
additional functionality, including shape.gex.

> I also cannot find the GrADS map type "nmap" (which isn't included with
> v1.8 either)... Where can I find this to use with Win32 build?

Let's post this question to gradsusr, I am not sure what "nmap" is is.

> Besides the above, I am more than happy with the new build and I
> congratulate you on a job well done... Thank you again...

Did you install the latest Win32 GrADS (as of yesterday)?


Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at alum.mit.edu

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From: "Arlindo da Silva" <dasilva at alum.mit.edu>
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To: "Bill Reilly" <Bill_Reilly at compuserve.com>
Subject: Re: New Win32 GrADS build
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Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at alum.mit.edu
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