Running a GrADS .gs script automatically on start-up

Daniel Fritz prodicalboxer at YAHOO.COM
Fri Sep 21 00:39:08 EDT 2007

     I have trudged through and wrote a script.....Now my problem is :after running the script, I have two problem 1. QUERY ERROR:  Syntax QUERY W2XY Lat Lon
              (i know this has something to do with coverting world to XY screen coordinate)
                                   2. DRAW ERROR:  Syntax is DRAW MARK mark type x y size
    I think if I solve these few problems the script will run.......
Mark Hess <mhess at OCEANI.COM> wrote:
      I am trying to run GrADS and automatically start a script. The command I am typing is: grads -lc "run"

  GrADS start, but then returns the error  "RUN error: No file name specified"

  Can someone note what I am doing wrong? This is on a Windows XP based system.


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