Dumping a GRIB file using lats4d

Daniel Fritz prodicalboxer at YAHOO.COM
Tue Sep 18 22:16:04 EDT 2007

Hello Everyone,
      can someone help me ??   I have untar my files and convert them from grb file to ctl file , so that my data can run in Grads...my problem now  is that my file will not open: when I typed my script to run in GrADs it said    data file will not open
                                    can't open Station /index map file   /home2/fritz/Y0000*idx
                                     The invalid description file record is:
                                     index  /home2/fritz/Y0000*.idx
  Can someone help me??   I cannot seem to run the script ijn grads....

Arlindo da Silva <dasilva at ALUM.MIT.EDU> wrote:
  On 9/18/07, Ernani de Lima Nascimento wrote:
> Hello Arlindo,
> I downloaded the newest version of lats4d, but the problem persists. I
> also tried it by specifying the -freq option. Then I tried the example
> with model.ctl. This last one works fine for both stream and grads_grib
> options, but the same error message appears for grib.

Yep, I found a silly bug that has been there for ages. My only
explanation is that noone writes grib only, or writing grads_grid was
a simple enough work around. In any event, Can you try the attached
script and let me know if it works? I'll then update the one on the

> Thus, a more **basic** question is: do I need to build the LATS library in
> my machine, or is everything self-contained in the GRADS distribution for
> running lats4d? The URLs that I've found for downloading the LATS library
> are outdated.

No need for you to rebuild LATS on your machine. LATS is statically
linked into the GrADS binaries to avoid this sort of incompatibility
problem. The bug was actually on my script.


Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at alum.mit.edu

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