degrib msg and submsg

Patrick Reuter preuter at LABRI.FR
Sun Oct 7 09:37:33 EDT 2007

Dear all,

I download grib2 files and have problems to degrib into Grads.

I have the following inventory :

1:115:d=2007100706:HGT:850 mb:15 hour fcst
2:227347:d=2007100706:TMP:850 mb:15 hour fcst
3:315793:d=2007100706:RH:850 mb:15 hour fcst
4.1:411471:d=2007100706:UGRD:850 mb:15 hour fcst
4.2:411471:d=2007100706:VGRD:850 mb:15 hour fcst

And I want to extract BOTH the UGRD/VGRD values. Here are my degrib commands :

./degrib grib2file -C -msg 4.1 -Flt -Interp -GrADS -out UGRD
./degrib grib2file -C -msg 4.2 -Flt -Interp -GrADS -out VGRD

The first command works fine, but in the second command, I always get
the following error message :

ERROR: In call to Grib2Convert.
ERROR: In call to ReadGrib2Record.
ERROR: Unpack library error code (0 2)

In other words, since the VGRD data is always stored in GRIB2
submessages, I can't access to it.

Is anybody familiar with my problem ?

Thanks in advance


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