ZDEF and sigma/pressure vertical coordinates

Jack Ordille MrSpock29 at COMCAST.NET
Sat Nov 3 08:58:58 EDT 2007

----- Original Message -----
From: "Heiner Körnich" <heiner at MISU.SU.SE>
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2007 3:59 AM
Subject: Re: ZDEF and sigma/pressure vertical coordinates

> Hi,
> possibly the ZDEF line gets too long. Try line breaks after six entries.
> REgards,
> Heiner
> On Fri, 2007-11-02 at 18:13 -0400, Tero Siili wrote:
>> Dear fellow GrADSers,
>> we have GRIB data (32 vertical levels, level 1 at the top, 32 nearest
>> to the surface). The model producing these data is developed from the
>> HIRLAM. So far we gave used in our control files for ZDEF
>> ZDEF 0 LINEAR 1 1
>> which gives the vertical axis with level numbers.
>> What I would like to accomplish is to use the sigma levels by
>> specifying them in the ZDEF. To me the obvious modification is
>> ZDEF 32 LEVELS 0.009375 0.01875 0.0375 0.075 0.125 0.175 0.225 0.275
>> 0.325 0.375 0.425 0.475 0.525 0.575 0.625 0.675 0.725 0.775 0.825
>> 0.875 0.91 0.93 0.9475 0.96 0.97 0.9775 0.9825 0.9875 0.9925 0.997
>> 0.99935 0.99985
>> I have
>> 1) run the control file through gribmap
>> 2) started gradsc
>> 3) opened the control file
>> 4) fixed lat, lon, t to supposedly valid region
>> 5) set lev 1 32
>> To my understanding this should produce a profile with the sigma
>> values as the vertical axis, but the response is data undefined. I
>> have tried with and without OPTIONS ZREV, to no avail. The original
>> ZDEF approach does produce at least something.
>> What am I doing wrong --- or is this just something GrADS is unable
>> to do?
>> Tero Siili
>> SOHO Science Operations Coordinator
> --
> Heiner Körnich
> Dept. of Meteorology            Tel:  +46 8 164333
> Stockholms University, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
> Email: heiner at misu.su.se   www.misu.su.se/~heiner/

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