Problem displaying variables from the grads window

Rafael Mundaray remm69 at GMAIL.COM
Wed May 23 19:10:42 EDT 2007

Well the variable ps is Surface Pressure... and t is temperature... I don´t
know why it doesn´t this... But you must make the following:
set gxout shaded
set t 1
set lev 1
d ps
set gxout contour
d t

set gxout shaded (display the variable with shaded)
set t (choise your time plot)
set lev (choise your level plot)
d ps (display surface pressure)
set gxout contour (show the variable with lines contours)
d t (display temperature with the level and time that i put up)

2007/5/23, Giannakos Apostolos <geom06005 at>:
> Dear list
> I am a new user of the grads software and i run grads in slackware 10.2. I
> followed the instructions you wrote. They all work just fine for me i
> installed grads but when i write the command display the grads window does
> not show the selected data.
> these are the steps i followed(they are the same from grads tutorial)
> 1)./gradsc
> 2)open /root/Desktop/model_folder/model.ctl
> 3)q file 1
> it gave me the attributes of the data model
> File 1 : "Sample Model Data for GrADS Tutorial"
>   Descriptor: /root/Desktop/model_folder/model.ctl
>   Binary: /root/Desktop/model_folder/model.grb
>   Type = Gridded
>   Xsize = 72  Ysize = 46  Zsize = 7  Tsize = 5
>   Number of Variables = 8
>     ps 0 1 Surface pressure [hPa]
>     u 7 33 Eastward wind [m/s]
>     v 7 34 Northward wind [m/s]
>     z 7 7 Geopotential height [m]
>     t 7 11 Air Temperature [K]
>     q 7 51 Specific humidity [kg/kg]
>     ts 0 11 Surface (2m) air temperature [K]
>     p 0 59 Total precipitation rate [kg/(m^2*s)]
> d ps
> Contouring: 500 to 1000 interval 50
> When i give the command d ps the surface temperature is not being
> displayed in the grads window. I used different variables but the mistake
> was the same. The grads window couldn't open it.
> Do you have a idea why i have this problem?
> Thanks in Advance for your time
> Apostolis Giannakos

Ing. Rafael E. Mundaray M.
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