Cross hatching

Robert Burgman rburgman at RSMAS.MIAMI.EDU
Thu May 3 14:04:06 EDT 2007

Hello all,
Does any one know how to add cross hatching to a plot. For example, I
have a color shaded plot of output ( SST anomalies ) from a
calculation and wish to show areas of significance. I have seen
examples of using shaded output with contours, but would like to keep
the color shading.

Dr. Robert Burgman
Division of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science
University of Miami MPO, MSC 237
4600 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149

Tel:        (305) 421-4272
Fax:       (305) 421-4696
Email:    rburgman at

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