setting "clevs" in a script....

Goodson,Ron [Edm] Ron.Goodson at EC.GC.CA
Thu May 3 13:33:58 EDT 2007

Hi All

The recent question regarding settings clev reminded me that I was going
to send out this bit of scripting, should anybody want it.

I got very-tired of settings clevs manually when they were changing by
some set interval (and you wanted them fixed, such as when creating an
animation).  So, here is a few-lines to set it automatically (in case
you don't already have something of your own).


value = 5
maxvalue = 55
incvalue = 1

mystring = " "
while (value <= maxvalue)
mystring = mystring%value
mystring = mystring%" "
value = value + incvalue

'set clevs '  mystring




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