Outlined topography in Cross Sections

Morgan Silverman mlsilver at NCSU.EDU
Tue Mar 13 16:43:07 EDT 2007

Hi Wesley,
Thanks for getting back to me. I think I forgot to mention in my post that
I am doing my cross section vs height not pressure. Do you know how I
might do the same sort of thing but in terms of km not pressure? Thanks.

> Morgan Silverman wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am plotting cross sections that show the surface topography in them.
>> It's
>> hard to see where the topography is in the blank area though. Does
>> anyone
>> know how I can create an outline of the topography in a cross section,
>> so
>> that when the entire area above is not shaded it, you can still see
>> where
>> the edge of the topography is? Thanks.
>> -Morgan
> Morgan,
> ga-> set lev 1000 10
> LEV set to 1000 10
> ga-> set lat -30
> LAT set to -30 -30
> ga-> d tmp
> Contouring: 200 to 300 interval 10
> ga-> orog.gs
>     The script uses the surface pressure, pressfc, which is assumed to
> be in Pa.
>         Wesley
> ------------------------- orog.gs
> ------------------------------------------
> *
> * maskout underground data for cross-sections
> *
> 'define t1pm1=pressfc/100'
> 'set gxout grfill'
> 'set clevs  -1 1'
> 'set ccols  1 1'
> 'set ccols  0 0'
> 'd maskout(0,lev-t1pm1)'
> 'set gxout shaded'
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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