Error in data desriptor file in Win32e version of Grads

Davide Sacchetti davide.sacchetti at ARPAL.ORG
Thu Mar 8 06:12:29 EST 2007

My guess is that you may have inconsistencies between ASCII files (.ctl)
on alpha VMS and windows.
You could try do move .ctl from win to alpha via ftp (binary) and get
them back again from alpha to win via ftp (ascii): if it works this is
the case.
Bye bye

On Thu, 2007-03-08 at 16:48 -0500, Shri. A. K. Jaswal wrote:
> Dear All,
> I was using earlier PC DOS version of Grads. Now I have recently
> installed Win32e version of Grads (V1.8 sl11) on my machine and when I
> try to open data desriptor file, I am getting following message :
> Open Error : Looking for ENDVARS statement. Instead found :
> ----> The invalid desription file record is
> ----> endvars
> The data file is not opened.
> I am having Windows XP operating system on my workstation. All these
> data desriptor files are working perfectly in  the previous version
> which is  V1.7 beta.
> In the Win32e version, there are Grads, GradsC, GradsDODS, GradsHDF
> and GradsNC executable files. Which one is suitable to me. My data
> files are binary files created on Compaq Alpha servers having Open VMS
> v7.3 operating system.
> Thanks all.
> A. K. Jaswal.
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Sacchetti Davide
ARPAL UO3 Centro Meteo Idrologico Regione Liguria - Dir. Scientifica
V.le Brigare Partigiane 2 16121 Genova (I)
tel: +39 010 6437535
mail: davide.sacchetti at   web:

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