GDS-enabled GrADS won't open URLs, browser has trouble too

Sarah Suda srsuda at NCSU.EDU
Wed Jun 27 08:51:09 EDT 2007

Hello all,

I found the message "GDS from GrADS troubleshooting help request" in the
archives, and I am having a similar problem.  There were a few responses
to the original thread, but they don't work for me.

My browser won't open any URL with a port name in it, i.e.
and etc.  I think that this is unusual, but I have no point of reference.

GrADS will not open things remotely either.  I have tried combinations of
'sdfopen ...' and 'open ...'
and addresses such as'

I also tried changing the port number to 2102, the port I am using to run
GDS (9090 was taken on this computer).  I do not have a file named
~/.dods_cache, but I do
have one called ~/.dodsrc.

Can anyone tell me how to do it the right way?  I think I may be following
the instructions wrong.

Thanks for any help,

_______________reply to original message_______________
>Try deleting your local dods cache ( rm -rf ~/.dods_cache ) and then
>write again if you still can't open that file.
>Jennifer Adams COLA/IGES

_______________original message______________
>>I'm trying to use GrADS to access the COLA GDS server with no success.
>>I'm >>using GrADS 1.8s11on RedHat Linux 9.0.
>>1) Direct browser access from the same machine is fine:
>> gives the dataset
>>2) Opening a local NetCDF file is fine, see transcript below.
>>3) Opening a remote dataset with URL
>>returns an nc_open failure, see transcript below.
>>I'm obviously doing something dumb, or have something misconfigured, or
>>both! :-)
>>Any ideas please?
>>Julian Scarfe

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