Holes in GRIB data

PEEP peep at ILM.EE
Fri Jul 20 09:45:33 EDT 2007

> I use the same source (sometimes) by the way, but
> there were no holes in the grib data so far. And i did
> download it today (i use ftp2you to get grib files),

I am using get_inv.pl and get_grib.pl to prefilter data

> (i somehow assume that what
> you've shown here is GFS 50 km res. 7 day forecast,
> with an area "zoomed" to Estonia)

This is correct :)

> Are you sure that the problem is not in your Grads script?

That's unlikely, the data is missing in the downloaded files. But as You
say, it's OK i have to dig into the get* Perl scripts or try to use ftp2you.

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