No subject

Michael I. Westphal mwestphal at WORLDBANK.ORG
Mon Jan 29 14:52:55 EST 2007

Hello, please put a subject line on your email message.  Thanks.



Michael I. Westphal, PhD
Climate Change Team / Environment Department
Room MC4 210  Mail stop  MC4-410
The World Bank
1818  H St NW, Washington DC 20433, USA
Tel 1.202.473.1217; Fax  1.202.522.2130


             Michael Schenk
             @NOAA.GOV>                                                      To
             Sent by:                GRADSUSR at LIST.CINECA.IT
             GRADSUSR at LIST.C                                                 cc

             01:29 PM

             Please respond
             GRADSUSR at LIST.C


I'm new to using grads, but there is a utility which I've used quite a bit in
converting grib (1 and 2) files, which has some grads-friendly features.  This
is Arthur Taylor's "degrib" program.  There is a tutorial (and download links)
for it at:

Michael Schenk

David Mendes wrote:
> Hi users grads,
> I have some problem about grb2gas.
> I wanted to convert a GRIB format data file to GrADS format by using the
command: grb2gas -m [Input file name] -r TAB2vars.asc
> and got the output as following:
> RELEASE 3.1 grb2gas [options] InputFile [OutputFile] option -r <arg> : specify
your own variable def-file name option -v : verbose mode (extended output)
option -h : help (this output) InputFile : GRIB file
> Dose anyone know what's the problem? Thanks
> Best regards,
> David Mendes
> Dr. David Mendes
> University of Lisbon,  Phisics Departament
> Geophysical Centre,  Meteorology Group
> email: dmendes at
> Tel: (351) 933566291

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