EOF plot

Matthias Munnich munnich at ATMOS.UCLA.EDU
Thu Jan 25 20:59:22 EST 2007

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the option "-neof" specifies how many of the leading EOFs shall be
computed -- not to compute only the n-th EOF!  Eofgrads  always
display the first EOF.  To see the others, you need to open the output
descriptor file.  For more information see

... Matt

Wilfried Pokam wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I use eofgrads V0.155 ( PC(i386) Linux (32bit) ) to compute eof.
> But i have a problem, all my eof plot are same. From the first to last
eof i
> have the same contour map.
> This is the script in witch i plot eof:
> ********************************************
> #!/bin/sh
> for ee in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
>        do
> gradsnc -bl << EOF
> sdfopen lhtfl.mon.mean.94-04.Ll.nc
> sdfopen nlwrs.mon.mean.94-04.Ll.nc
> sdfopen nswrs.mon.mean.94-04.Ll.nc
> sdfopen shtfl.mon.mean.94-04.Ll.nc
> set t 1 12
> define monavglhtfl = ave(lhtfl.1,t+0,t=132,12)
> define monavgnlwrs = ave(nlwrs.2,t+0,t=132,12)
> define monavgnswrs = ave(nswrs.3,t+0,t=132,12)
> define monavgshtfl = ave(shtfl.4,t+0,t=132,12)
> modify monavglhtfl seasonal
> modify monavgnlwrs seasonal
> modify monavgnswrs seasonal
> modify monavgshtfl seasonal
> define monavgNR    = monavgnlwrs + monavgnswrs
> define monavgengfl = monavgNR + monavglhtfl + monavgshtfl
> set grads off
>      set ccolor 1
>      set mpdset mres
>      set map 1 2 2
>      set ccolor 1
> set xlopts 1 1 0.15
> set Ylopts 1 1 0.15
>  set ccolor 1
> eof -neof $ee monavgengfl
> draw title EOF $ee
> printim EOF.$ee.netegy.gif    white
> done
> *********************************************
> Wilfried

- --
- --------------------------------
Matthias Munnich
Univ. of California, Los Angeles
Dept. of Atmos. and Oceanic Sc. and
Inst. of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
3845 Slichter Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1567
Phone: +1-310-794 5899
Fax: +1-310-206 3051
Email: munnich at atmos.ucla.edu
- --------------------------------

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