GrADS on the Web

abel centella abel at MET.INF.CU
Thu Jan 25 20:11:48 EST 2007

Hi Jennifer:

You can add http://precis.insmet/Precis-Caribe.htm to the list address of
GrADS on the web. We use GrADS not only for the map outputs, but also for
the logo of the institution.


Abel Centella
Director Científico
Instituto de Meteorología
Tel: 867 0704
Fax: 866 8010

-----Original Message-----
From: "Jennifer M. Adams" <jma at COLA.IGES.ORG>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2007 08:18:00 -0500
Subject: GrADS on the Web

Hi, Everybody --
These web sites are absolutely fantastic! I am so impressed and proud and
amazed at the number of responses I've gotten. The gradsusr list is quite a
powerful resource. As a reward for your efforts, some free advertising -- I
posted a list of the sites I've gotten so far that is linked from the
'What's New" page:
Sorry I haven't had a chance to check and sort every link -- there were so
many! -- if you notice something amiss, please let me know. Oh, and it's not
too late to keep 'em coming, I'll update the list if I get any more URLs. In
this case, more IS better!
Thanks a million,

On Jan 24, 2007, at 11:10 AM, Jennifer M. Adams wrote:

Dear All,
We are gathering some statistics that illustrate the widespread use of
GrADS. For example:

GrADS users subscribed to this list:  1402
FTP downloads of GrADS tar files in 2006: 14,963
Hits to the online documentation in 2006: 1.3 million

To supplement the stats, I am also collecting a list of web sites that use
GrADS to generate images ... if you are administering or regularly browsing
such a web site, could you please email me the URL?



Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Beltsville, MD 20705
jma at
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