Web sites that contain GrADS images

Kobi Mosquera kobi at CHAVIN.IGP.GOB.PE
Thu Jan 25 09:39:27 EST 2007

Dear Jennifer,

Most of our graphics, in the Centro de Prediccion Numerica del Tiempo y Clima (CPNTC),
are created by GrADS. The link is:



On Wed, 24 Jan 2007 11:10:40 -0500, Jennifer M. Adams wrote
> Dear All,
> We are gathering some statistics that illustrate the widespread use
> of GrADS. For example:
> GrADS users subscribed to this list:  1402
> FTP downloads of GrADS tar files in 2006: 14,963
> Hits to the online documentation in 2006: 1.3 million
> To supplement the stats, I am also collecting a list of web sites
> that use GrADS to generate images ... if you are administering or
> regularly browsing such a web site, could you please email me the URL?
> Thanks,
> Jennifer
> --
> Jennifer M. Adams
> 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
> Beltsville, MD 20705
> jma at cola.iges.org

Kobi A. Mosquera Vásquez
Centro de Predicción Numérica del Tiempo y Clima (CPNTC)
Instituto Geofísico del Perú (IGP)

Calle Badajoz N° 169 – 171
Urbanización Mayorazgo,IV Etapa
Lima 3 - Perú
Telefax (51) 1 3172326

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