Updated background map?

Ivan ivtoman at INET.HR
Sat Feb 10 16:20:42 EST 2007


Maybe I will ask something that exist on GrADS users list, but I cannot
browse it, and that is my first question - how to browse it? If I go to
http://list.cineca.it/cgi-bin/wa?A1=ind07&L=gradsusr there is required
login, and I have not any password. How to get one??

OK, now real question... how to edit background map (lores, mres or
hires are binary files)? Does exist an updated version? I need new
political borders on Balkan region. Original maps have old Yugoslavia on
them. Thanks!

And last. Lot of meteo-related webistes has gfs-master (0.5˚) charts
*before* data become available on nomad3 dods server
http://nomad3.ncep.noaa.gov:9090/dods/gfs_master/ How is that possible?
Does that server recieves delayed data, that sites takes data from
somewhere else or I missed something?

Thanks again!


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