leap year

Karin Meier-Fleischer karin.meier-fleischer at ZMAW.DE
Fri Feb 2 03:45:48 EST 2007


I've got a data file containing a leap year (1964). If I try to set the
time to 23:59Z29Feb1964 GrADS always
changes the time to 23:59Z02MAR1964.

How could I prevent this?

Thanks, Karin
Karin Meier-Fleischer             \\ Max-Planck-Institut fuer Meteorologie
Phone: +49-40-41173-431            \\   Abteilung Modelle & Daten
FAX:   +49-40-41173-476             \\    Bundesstr. 53
Email: karin.meier-fleischer at zmaw.de \\   D-20146 Hamburg
http://www.mad.zmaw.de/               \\  Germany

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