Two questions

sajjad saeed sajjad_met at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Dec 18 00:09:29 EST 2007

Dear Charles,
Thankyou very much for your email. I will try these scripts and will tell you later if there is any problem.
> Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2007 14:06:34 -0500> From: Charles.Seman at NOAA.GOV> Subject: Re: Two questions> To: GRADSUSR at LIST.CINECA.IT> > Sajjad,> > Please find attached, (and pause.gsf),> along with the GrADS pptn.ctl file. "" calculates and plots> JJAS time-averaged precipitation anomalies relative to a long-term> precipitation mean, while calculates and plots a> Hovmuller-like map of latitude-averaged precipitation for latitudes> 5N-35N, where the plot (x,y) = (longitude,time). Please let me know if> you have any questions about these scripts...> > I hope this helps,> Chuck> > sajjad saeed wrote:> > Dear all,> > I have two questions> > 1- How can we find the anomaly of Geopotential height at 850hPa. Suppose I want to find the anomaly of Geopotential height at 850 hPa during the summer monsoon season(JJAS) of 1998. How will i do this with the help of grads?> > 2- How can I find the Time-Latitude cross-section of wind at 850hPa (averaged within latitudes 5N-35N). I want to see how model simulated the onset of the monsoon in different dates on different latitudes.> >> > Thankyou for your help and guidence> >> > With regards> >> > Sajjad> > _________________________________________________________________> > Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today it's FREE!> >> >> > --> > Please note that Charles.Seman at should be considered my NOAA> email address, not cjs at> > ********************************************************************> Charles Seman Charles.Seman at> U.S. Department of Commerce / NOAA / OAR> Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory voice: (609) 452-6547> 201 Forrestal Road fax: (609) 987-5063> Princeton, NJ 08540-6649> ********************************************************************> > "The contents of this message are mine personally and do not reflect> any position of the Government or NOAA."> 
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