Two questions

Michael I. Westphal mwestphal at WORLDBANK.ORG
Wed Dec 12 09:30:13 EST 2007

How do I take myself off this list?

Michael I. Westphal, PhD
Climate Change Team / Environment Department
Room MC4 210  Mail stop  MC5-822
The World Bank
1818  H St NW, Washington DC 20433, USA
Tel 1.202.473.1217; Fax  1.202.522.2130


             sajjad saeed
             <sajjad_met at HOTMAIL
             .COM>                                                           To
             Sent by:                    GRADSUSR at LIST.CINECA.IT
             GRADSUSR at LIST.CINEC                                             cc
                                         Two questions
             12/12/2007 02:19 AM

              Please respond to
             GRADSUSR at LIST.CINEC

Dear all,
I have two questions
1- How can we find the anomaly of Geopotential height at 850hPa. Suppose I want
to find the anomaly of Geopotential height at 850 hPa during the summer monsoon
season(JJAS) of 1998. How will i do this with the help of grads?
2- How can I find the Time-Latitude cross-section of wind at 850hPa (averaged
within latitudes 5N-35N). I want to see how model simulated the onset of the
monsoon in different dates on different latitudes.

Thankyou for your help and guidence

With regards

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