cross section topography color

Mary Jo Nath Mary-Jo.Nath at NOAA.GOV
Tue Apr 24 14:32:42 EDT 2007


How is your topography defined? Is it a separate variable? Or is it
indicated by the grid points with missing values in the field you are
plotting? If it's the missing values, then you can use "const" to
redefine the missing values, then use grfill to color them. I don't know
of a way to just outline them. Hope the example below helps. - MJ


* missing value grid points now = 1.; all non-missing values = -var/var = -1
define tmp=const(-var/var,1,-u)
* mask out the non-topography grid points
define topo=maskout(tmp,tmp)
* color the non-missing grid points in "topo" (the topography)
set gxout grfill
set ccolor 2
d topo

Morgan Silverman wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I have been plotting cross sections versus height and have run into a
> problem. Unless I shade in my entire display I can't see where the edge of
> my topography is, because it is displayed the same color as the background
> and there is no outline. I am wondering if there is anyway to create an
> outline around the cross section topography or if I can change the color
> just in the topography so that I don't always have to shade in the entire
> rest of my display in order to see where the topography is. I have seen some
> remarks for something similar to this but in terms of pressure and I would
> like to be able to do this for height coordinates. Thanks in advance for any
> help.
> -Morgan

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