Diane Stokes Diane.Stokes at NOAA.GOV
Fri Sep 1 08:33:26 EDT 2006

Dear Idowu,

If you haven't done so already, you need to compile wgrib.c, saving the
resulting executable as wgrib.

Then you can either put wgrib in /usr/local/bin (if that's possible) or
you can put it where you like and then modify to point to
wgrib in that location.

For more info, go to: and scroll
down to the section labeled "Unix/Linux Installation".


oluseun idowu wrote:
> Dear Users,
> Pls I'm getting the error message below after giving this command
>  ./ /home/oluseun/UKdata/AF.MN.STD.FC.D00Z20050519.grib >
> test.ctl
> the error message:
> sh: /usr/local/bin/wgrib: No such file or directory
> Big problem:
>   either /home/oluseun/UKdata/AF.MN.STD.FC.D00Z20050519.grib is missing
> or not a grib file
>   or wgrib is not on your path
> Can anyone help me on what to do please!
> Regards,
> Idowu

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