grads with dods
Patrice Dumas
pertusus at FREE.FR
Thu Oct 12 10:09:21 EDT 2006
On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 03:45:18PM +0200, Kai Grunau wrote:
> I have to copy the libraries needed for "./configure --with-nc
> --with-dods --with-hdf --with-readline"
> in a subdirectory called supplibs/lib
> ls supplibs/lib
> ---------------------------------
> libdap++.a libjpeg.a libnc-dods.a librx.a libtclstub8.3.a
> libtkstub8.3.a libwww.a
> libdf.a libmfhdf.a libnetcdf.a libtcl8.3.a libtk8.3.a
> libudunits.a libz.a
> ----------------------------------
Ok, if you go that way, then you shouldn't have a need for the tarball
I supplied. The changes to the configure system I did are usefull when
someone wants to link against the system libraries, not the libraries
supplied in supplibs/lib, and are only activated when adding
--enable-dyn-supplibs to ./configure.
> The only way I know to create the libwww.a is to "configure, make" the
> DODS 3.2 packages.
> The make command in tthe grads directory created the binaries
> gradsc,gradsnc, gradshdf, gribmap, gxeps, gxps, stnmap, wgrib, gribscan,
> bufrscan and stopped with :
> -----------------------
> g++ -g -O2 -o gradsdods grads.o gxsubs.o gxmeta.o gxchpl.o gxcntr.o
> gxstrm.o gxwmap.o gxshad.o gaexpr.o gafunc.o gautil.o gagx.o gscrpt.o
> gamach.o bufrstn.o gabufr.o gabufrtbl.o gxX.o gxdxwd.o galats.o
> lats.o latsint.o latsgrib.o latstime.o latsstat.o fgbds.o fgutil.o
> latsgribmap.o gagmap.o gaddes-dods.o gacfg-dods.o gaio-dods.o
> gauser-dods.o gasdf-dods.o -L.././supplibs/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib
> -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lnc-dods -ldap++ -lnc-dods -ldap++
> .././supplibs/lib/libudunits.a .././supplibs/lib/libwww.a
> .././supplibs/lib/librx.a .././supplibs/lib/libz.a latsnc-dods.o -lm
> .././supplibs/lib/libdap++.a(HTTPConnect.o)(.text+0x7aa): In function
> `HTTPConnect::~HTTPConnect [in-charge deleting]()':
> .......
> -----------------------------
Your error message is very strange. it seems to be intricated with the
link command, and it is missing. I guess in fact it begins with:
(HTTPConnect.o)(.text+0x7aa): In function `HTTPConnect::~HTTPConnect [in-charge deleting]()':
but what goes after that?
What is your platform?
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